All Policy articles – Page 68

  • James Illman Telehealth roundtable

    Analysis: STP digital plans need a major reboot


    The largely vague and un-costed digital components of the STPs need a substantial upgrade, or the NHS will continue to lag behind comparable health systems on technology for years to come, writes HSJ technology correspondent James Illman

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    HSJ's Best of 2016: Top stories


    Heartfelt appeals on whistleblowing and the EU referendum, a massive leak from BMA negotiations and the latest HSJ100 rankings all feature in our most popular articles of the year

  • John illingworth 3x2

    Still doing the system’s – not the patients' – business


    New recommendations on co-ordinated care would help to address patient safety issues that remain unaddressed by rafts of policy initiatives

  • UK map

    Mapped: All 44 STPs published – full coverage


    Download every STP and see HSJ’s coverage of the plans on our map

  • Paperless nhs
    HSJ Knowledge

    Is the NHS winning the great paper chase?


    A paper-free health service is a worthy ambition but achieving it has proved easier said than done – so what might a more realistic plan look like

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt to force trusts to publish avoidable deaths data


    Jeremy Hunt will introduce new regulation to force NHS trusts from March 2017 to estimate and publish how many of its deaths might have been preventable He was responding to today’s CQC deaths review, and said he was accepting all its recommendations Avidable death data to be published quarterly ...

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Following the Money: Flickers in a pitch black tunnel


    HSJ’s weekly email briefing on NHS finances, savings and efforts to get the health service back in the black

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: I'll cut locum doctors pay 'if I have to'


    NHS Improvement chief executive says regulator will take tougher approach to medical locum spend It may further reduce the pay cap in future if necessary Regulator will use locum cost data to identify unsustainable services NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told HSJ the regulator will now ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Introducing NHS general management may have been a 'mistake'


    Jeremy Hunt launches bid to increase NHS managers with clinical backgrounds Mr Hunt rejects idea that non-clinical managers were needed to take control of hospitals Government will look to reverse changes to medical training made after introduction of the European working time directive Introducing a general “manager class” ...

  • Supermarket

    NHS staff 'quitting to stack shelves', warns provider chief


    NHS Providers chief says health service wages are “uncompetitive” Chris Hopson warns trusts are “seriously worried” about retaining vital staff if pay restraint continues Survey shows concerns about retention of staff at all levels Trusts deserve great credit for driving down deficits, Mr Hopson says Staff in lower ...

  • Chris Hopson

    Hopson: Keeping trusts' deficit under £1bn would be 'extraordinary'


    Chris Hopson says NHS had been “insufficiently celebratory” about stopping deficit from “running out of control” Provider deficit reduction shows trusts can deliver when given “sensible plans”, he says Refuses to rule out providers hitting £580m deficit target but says there is “risk” Keeping the provider sector deficit ...

  • Workforce

    National officials 'ensuring' STPs plan 'right skilled' staffing


    NHS England “ensuring” an STP “will put in place the right skilled workforce” Draft STP plan proposed savings through “reduction of nursing grade input” NHS England has told HSJ it is working with a sustainability and transformation plan on ”ensuring they will put in place the right skilled ...

  • Agency nurse3

    Agency spending higher than planned despite caps


    NHS Improvement quarter two report says agency spend 16 per cent higher than planned Provider sector predicting £900m savings compared to last year as a result of agency caps NHSI names best and worst performers on agency spending Trusts’ spending on agency staff is 16 per cent higher ...

  • cigarette smoking cessation quit tobacco cancer

    PHE chief: Smoking should be banned from all hospital sites


    Public Health England chief executive calls for blanket smoking ban on NHS grounds Said only a few acute hospitals had achieved it so far Duncan Selbie said it was an important action for the NHS in prevention The chief executive of Public Health England has called for a ...

  • surgery

    Analysis: Half of hospital trusts miss reduced waiting targets


    Trusts missing largely lower “reset” targets for elective treatment times Performance means organisations could miss out on sustainability and transformation funding Total waiting list approaches 4 million More than half of England’s hospital trusts have missed their elective waiting time targets set by NHS Improvement.

  • Older people's services

    MPs: Services 'likely to suffer' after UnitingCare contract collapse


    Services “likely to suffer” in wake of £750m contract breakdown, say MPs “Incompetent, grossly irresponsible” NHS bodies showed business acumen which would “embarrass a child in a sweet shop” NHS England told to address commercial skills gap in NHS after “catalogue of failures” Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning ...

  • Jane Cummings

    National nurse leaders defend plans for new support role


    Senior nurses in England sign letter defending plans for nursing associate role Letter confirms nursing associates will take on tasks currently performed by nurses New research says substituting nurses for non-nurses increases mortality risk The most senior nurses in England have defended plans for the new nursing associate ...

  • Alan Johnson
    HSJ Local

    STP sets publication date after MPs appeal for openness


    Health leaders in the north have set a date for publishing their sustainability and transformation plan, following calls for transparency from the region’s MPs.

  • breast_cancer_x_ray.jpg

    NHS cancer performance remains below target


    Trusts hit 62 day wait target 82.3 per cent of time against 85 per cent target Charity critcises “unacceptable” performance NHS has now missed the target for nearly three years NHS providers continued to miss the main national cancer target in the second quarter of 2016-17, according to ...

  • Jackie_Daniel
    HSJ Local

    New investigation helps scandal hit trust to learn lessons


    New investigation reveals failures in care after Joshua Titcombe’s death eight years ago Trust facilitated “emotional” but “healing” meeting between father and midwife Process could be adopted by other trusts dealing with cases of poor care A full investigation into the death of a baby that led to ...