All Policy articles – Page 69

  • Ian Cumming

    Not HEE's role to fill junior doctor rota gaps, says chief executive


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England is responsible for supplying future consultant workforce The drive to provide 24/7 care has created gaps in rotas that should be filled by non-training staff NHS trusts and universities will need to fund expansion of nurse training posts in 2018 Providing enough ...

  • Stevens Simon

    NHS England sets out new tariff plans


    Devices and apps in six categories included in new effort to accelerate access to innovative treatments Products will be included in a new “innovation and technology tariff” from April NHS England says process will cut red tape and bring innovative products into the health system faster Move welcomed by ...

  • Gp practice online booking reception receptionist

    Revealed: Only 4 per cent of GP appointments booked online


    Digital uptake low despite NHS England efforts to drive online bookings NHS England said last year 97 per cent of GP practices have online booking systems Senior source tells HSJ “we need to stop kidding ourselves” about digital uptake NHS England says progress being made is “encouraging” HSJ ...

  • David hill

    STPs must stay the right side of the law


    It is crucial to design sustainability and transformation plans well if their good work is not to be derailed by legal challenges

  • Yvonne_Coghill

    Race equality in the NHS: a balance sheet


    Black History Month seems a good time to reflect on what has been achieved since the introduction of the NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard.

  • Deborah Sturdy

    Why care home nurses are due so much more respect


    Their skills will become ever more important, so let’s give them the support and recognition they deserve

  • David prior

    Government review reveals plan to speed NHS innovations uptake


    Four years can be cut off up to estimated 12 years it takes to get some innovative treatments to patients, says review Transformation will require investment, including in ‘new, strengthened’ AHSNs An ‘accelerated access partnership’ should bring together key national health bodies Recommendations also include call for new NHS ...

  • Vote leave

    Brexit offers opportunity to reform regulators, says Hunt


    Health secretary says Brexit gives an opportunity for professional regulation reforms David Cameron promised reform of Nursing and Midwifery Council after 2013 Francis inquiry Jeremy Hunt says it was important government made changes to speed up responses Brexit could offer the government an opportunity to reform professional regulators, ...

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Health secretary: Trusts told to employ more full-time nurses


    Health secretary says he expects the number of permanently employed NHS nurses to increase Says NHS has overused agency and locum staff Tells trusts to look beyond “binary choice” between savings and quality Health secretary Jeremy Hunt expects the numbers of qualified nurses in permanent NHS employment to ...

  • Jeremy hunt new website

    Hunt: I want to be health secretary until 2019


    Jeremy Hunt has said he would “love to serve another two to three years” as health secretary. In a major interview with HSJ he also set out wide-ranging plans for the next phase of his tenure.

  • Law

    NHS England accused of 'abuse of public money' over legal appeal


    NHS England to appeal High Court judgment requiring it to prescribe a drug to teenager with narcolepsy Patient is soon to turn 18 and has already been told her local CCG will fund the drug from then Father says appeal is “ridiculous” and “abuse of public money” NHS England ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    HSJ100 2016: Jeremy Hunt is the comeback kid


    A year ago many thought the health secretary was on his way out. But having won the junior doctors’ contract dispute he is now the longest serving health secretary. Meanwhile, the changing political, financial and regulatory landscape has shaken up the rest of the NHS leadership ranks.

  • European flag

    Hunt warned over rhetoric on foreign doctors


    NHS Improvement chair Ed Smith intervenes in Brexit debate He warns overseas staff must not be left feeling “demoralised and diminished” Letter follows Jeremy Hunt’s announcement to make NHS “self-sufficient” in doctors Patient safety could be put at risk if overseas staff are left feeling “demoralised and diminished” ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Catch up: Jeremy Hunt's conference speech - coverage and reaction


    Jeremy Hunt addresses doctor training, mental health, junior doctors’ strike in conference speech

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Government plans cap on NHS exit payments


    Treasury announces bid to reduce NHS redundancy payments Changes could affect all NHS staff including doctors and senior managers Legislation will cap exit payments and claw back payments from returning staff The Treasury has revealed plans to substantially cut the size of redundancy payments made to public sector ...

  • Treasury

    Exclusive: Treasury could tighten grip on NHS capital spending


    NHS trusts told to scale back capital spending plans Treasury could insist on signing off even small projects Difficulties with delivering transformation projects under discussion NHS trusts have been told to scale back their capital spending plans and warned that the Treasury could insist on signing off even ...

  • Technology jpg

    Landmark patient data probe sparks 'serious concerns'


    NHS accused of wrongly sharing hospital data of 1.2m patients Privacy group says NHS’s hospital data does not comply with anonymisation standards NHS Digital says it does comply with standards Researchers raise “serious concerns” about impact on life saving studies The UK’s data watchdog is set to make ...

  • James_Ilman

    Analysis: Wachter response must not ignore the digitally challenged


    The Wachter review has rightly been praised for its bold statements on timetables and funding – and its pragmatism - but a robust plan is still needed for digitally-challenged and non-acute trusts, writes James Illman

  • boardroom

    NHS managers face crackdown on conflicts of interest


    NHS England consultation document suggests number of areas where declarations of interest should be made Senior managers face declaring shareholdings, paid positions, family relationships and political memberships Doctors could have to declare private practice earnings but other staff are not included NHS executives earning money from consultancy, advisory ...

  • Richard Taunt

    We need emotional humans, not employee automatons


    NHS staff need a sense of psychological safety in order to overcome the fear to question, take risks and fail