All Policy articles – Page 70

  • Simon Stevens

    New rules to follow £750m contract debacle and Brexit


    There will be a new “checklist” for CCGs and assurance process for providers involved in big contracts Simon Stevens suggests Brexit could offer opportunity to change procurement rules Strategic Projects Team was disbanded because NHS England was “not satisfied with the quality of their work” System leaders are ...

  • A big pile of paperwork

    NHS chiefs step away from 2020 paperless target


    Matthew Swindells says there would not be a “whole lot of complaining” if 2020 target is missed, but hit by 2023 Comments follow Wachter review calling for “unrealistic” 2020 target to be dropped Jeremy Hunt sets out phased approach for digital strategy, with initial funding focus on high fliers ...

  • Rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Junior doctors' strikes - the effect on waiting times


    Junior doctors’ strikes mean a loss of elective activity and a rise in waiting times, but don’t go blaming them for the continued breach of “18 weeks”.

  • Robert Wachter

    Wachter tells ministers: Discard 'unrealistic' 2020 IT target


    Ministers urged to ditch “unrealistic” paperless NHS by 2020 target Wachter review warns significantly more money required to achieve a digital NHS Wachter tells HSJ he recognised political issue in calling for more funding but that Jeremy Hunt had been “extremely supportive” of review Review sets out a roadmap ...

  • Pharmacy

    DH halts £170m cut to community pharmacy budget


    A significant cut to community pharmacy budgets has been halted by the Department of Health, with further discussions now set to be held with the sector.

  • BMA picket line

    BMA calls off next week's junior doctors strike


    WORKFORCE: The British Medical Association has suspended next week’s planned strike action, after being told by NHS England that services “cannot cope with the notice period” that was given.

  • Houses of Parliament

    MPs warn public health cuts are 'false economy'


    The government must commit to protecting public health funding if it is to avoid widening health inequalities, MPs have warned.

  • Rob findlay cutout 3x2

    Some suggestions for the Patients Association about elective waiting times


    The Patients Association’s waiting times report had a big impact, but NHS England was still justified in calling it “misleading and statistically flawed”. How could future reports avoid the pitfalls?

  • law
    HSJ Local

    Trust to face legal challenge over A&E closure


    LEGAL: United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust could face a legal challenge against its decision to partially close the accident and emergency department at Grantham and District Hospital.

  • kidneys

    NHS Improvement alert aims to improve acute kidney injury care


    NHS Improvement patient safety alert issued with new resources for providers Help includes guidance on improving recognition and treatment of acute kidney injury Improvement in treatment of AKI is included in national CQUIN payments A patient safety alert has been issued by NHS Improvement to help NHS providers ...

  • Sugar lumps

    Senior public health figures pan childhood obesity plan


    The government’s childhood obesity plan has been branded a disappointing missed opportunity by senior public health figures after it failed to take action on marketing and advertising of junk food and paid little attention to the role of councils. 

  • Syringe
    HSJ Local

    'Confusion' over new policies led to trust's inadequate safety rating


    Introduction of new policies “had not got the pace behind it should have” at Humber Foundation Trust, says nursing director Trust said policies had not filtered down to staff when CQC inspectors visited Inspectors rate trust as requires improvement overall and inadequate for safety QUALITY: Failure to filter ...

  • coins toppling

    DH warned about 'fragmentation' of NHS procurement system


    Concerns raised that planned shake up by the Department of Health could result in “fragmentation” of NHS procurement system DH intends to split procurement into 11 “category towers” when NHS Supply Chain contract ends in October 2018 Health Care Supply Association warns “the whole supply chain is being put ...

  • News

    Direct vanguard funding will end in 2017-18


    NHS Improvement document says after 2017-18, STPs will take the place of the vanguard programme Central new care models team will carry on beyond next year Vanguard sites will not have transformation funding allocated directly to them from NHS England after next year, it has been confirmed.

  • Cardiac surgery

    NHS England 'failed to follow due process' for heart surgery shake-up


    Leicester and the Royal Brompton trusts dispute reconfiguration process Trusts say recommendations from the Independent Reconfiguration Panel have been ignored Specialised commissioning director Jonathan Fielden defends NHS England’s approach Senior staff at the two congenital heart units threatened with closure by NHS England say the national body has ...

  • watch

    Chief executives warned over breaches to junior doctors contract


    Handful of trusts have breached terms of new junior doctors contract related to guardians for safe working hours NHS Improvement warns trusts not to undermine the confidence of doctors following dispute with government A third of guardian posts have not been filled because of failures to agree on appointments ...

  • Nurses

    Nursing shortage could continue beyond 2020


    Forecast demand by trusts for adult nurses is not aligned to the Five Year Forward View Unless demand forecasts reduce the nursing shortage will continue beyond 2020 HEE’s pledge to meet future demand for nurses depends on activity falling in line with forward view Trusts had forecast an additional ...

  • Cornwall
    HSJ Local

    NHS England rows back on £396k deal for CCG interim director


    Kernow CCG will be forced to revisit contract for interim turnaround director The group had been approved to spend £396,000 recruiting a new interim turnaround director during the current financial year NHS England has now said the appointment “will not continue at that rate”, as this would not comply ...

  • Surgical tools

    Marginal rate for specialised services shelved again


    NHS England and NHS Improvement have again shelved the introduction of a marginal rate Regulators twice previously aimed to introduce the measure New proposals include increases to top-up payments for specialised services, including for cardiac, respiratory and cancer services Regulators have again shelved plans for a marginal rate ...

  • Baby

    Tariff proposal would see maternity spend increase by 8 per cent


    The number of women to be put on intensive care pathway is expected to rise from 7.1 per cent to 11.3 per cent The number of women put on standard care pathways is expected to drop from 65.5 to 50 per cent Six additional conditions to be added to ...