All Policy articles – Page 73

  • Joanna lloyd

    HSIB: A step along the path towards safer care


    Despite its limitations, Joanna Lloyd argues the establishment of the new patient safety inspector is an important moment for the NHS

  • Michael White

    Have we really 'had enough of experts'?


    Facts-fatigue pushes the Brexit debate onto immigration – but think hard about the impact on the NHS

  • Houses of Parliament

    Government planning major intervention in NHS finances


    Stevens says there will be an announcement in July on a “re set” of NHS funding Final, compulsory, control totals will also be published next month NHS England chief executive warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” The ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Stevens: Give any extra funding to social care over NHS


    There is “strong argument” to prioritise funding for social care rather than NHS, says Simon Stevens NHS England chief warns it would not be prudent to assume any extra NHS funding in the “next several years” There will be an announcement in July on “re-set” of NHS funding ...

  • Liz Mear

    AHSNs have future beyond 2018, says network chair


    Academic health science networks have NHS England’s support to continue after their five year licences expire in March 2018, a senior figure has told HSJ.

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    High court judge intervenes in NHS England drug decision


    A High Court judge has criticised NHS England for refusing to fund a drug for a teenager with an exceptional illness and suggested it should also make the drug more widely available.

  • Technology optimal

    Search for new NHS England tech chief extended


    NHS England fails to secure appointment to new role after first round of interviews Four candidates interviewed for chief information and technology officer but no appointment made The CTIO will report to Matthew Swindells and not be on the board NHS England has extended its search for a ...

  • George Freeman

    Minister calls for end to 'apartheid' between NHS and private sector


    George Freeman calls for deeper relationship between NHS and private sector There needs to be “a debate about how we fund healthcare”, he says There is a “quiet revolution” in which patients are being allowed by technology to take “responsibility” for their care Floats idea of local areas being ...

  • Nurse treating patient

    DH to scrap nursing advisory team


    Nursing policy unit to be scrapped as part of DH cost cutting drive Decision criticised by unions as an “appalling message” to professions Sir Robert Francis QC raised fears over a weak nursing voice in 2013 The Department of Health is planning to axe its nursing, midwifery and ...

  • HM_Treasury

    Dorrell warns health and care service will need more cash


    Former health secretary says current funding formula for the health and social care does not work NHS Confederation chair says discussion over “quantum and structure” of funding will be needed “over coming months” Stephen Dorrell also reveals confederation is talking to Local Government Association about “deeper relationship” The ...

  • Stephen Dorrell

    Exclusive: 'Blackmail' over control totals could undermine STPs, leaders warn


    Stephen Dalton and Stephen Dorrell say national leaders risk derailing STPs by trying to “blackmail” local NHS bodies Control totals criticised as “old money” strategy NHS Confederation leaders say STPs are a “cornerstone” of NHS planning and delivery process National leaders risk derailing the sustainability and transformation planning ...

  • Ara Darzi

    Five evidence-based reasons why the NHS is better within Europe


    As the EU referendum grows ever closer, Lord Darzi and colleagues seek to redress a lack of evidence on the role of Europe on our health system

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: Air Accident Investigation chief set for top NHS role


    Keith Conradi, chief inspector at the Air Accident Investigation Branch, named as preferred candidate MPs on the Commons public administration committee will hold an appointment hearing next week Mr Conradi will be responsible for a £3.6m budget carrying out approximately 30 investigations a year The existing head of ...

  • Ledger
    HSJ Knowledge

    What do NHS financial pressures really mean for patients?


    Understanding how financial pressures can affect patients is key to minimising their negative impact

  • Interim Report

    NHS to face new patient safety investigations from autumn


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will have a budget of £3.6m in first year Expert advisory group calls for process to resolve historical complaints Mike Durkin hails launch of HSIB as “a huge leap forward” The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will be operating from this autumn with a ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt rejected expert advice on independence of safety branch


    Expert advisers urged health secretary to make new investigation branch independent They also called for all relevant information to be shared with patients and families Government actions risk undermining “effectiveness and public confidence”, says charity boss The health secretary rejected the advice of safety experts who urged him ...

  • Prof David Fish

    Regulators warned over 'mixed messages' to success regime


    UCLPartners boss sets out concerns to Jim Mackey after experience with Essex success regime Sir David Fish cites unrealistic targets and insufficient central support for areas driving major reconfiguration Warns regulators that “old style” approaches would hamper collaboration However, he says he is “very impressed” with recent changes made ...

  • Mark Porter

    Exclusive: BMA was told contract dispute spending 'not sustainable'


    British Medical Association council told in March the junior doctors dispute had cost the union £2.9m Union treasurer Andrew Dearden said the costs had not been budgeted but were manageable Document shows he also warned spending was “not sustainable” in the long term Senior leaders at the British ...

  • News

    NHS providers end year with £2.7bn deficit, HSJ research reveals


    NHS providers have fallen almost £1bn short of their revised financial target for 2015-16, according to locally reported figures This is despite the positive impact of dozens of “capital to revenue transfers” Risk that Department of Health will breach its spending limit for the year, experts warn Charlesworth: DH ...

  • Williams david 3x2
    Expert Briefing

    What's new in care models: Taking stock of the better care fund


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View