All Policy articles – Page 77

  • Robert Wachter

    Profile: Bob Wachter, the digital doctor and NHS devotee


    Jeremy Hunt asked Professor Wachter to review the NHS after reading his book, The Digital Doctor Wachter says doing review is “an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity” He also focuses on patient safety, quality and health policy issues Bob Wachter is professor and interim chair of the ...

  • USA flag

    Carter calls for US style ‘meaningful use’ clause to drive tech adoption


    Efficiency review supports US style standards to drive uptake of new technology Report recommends lead role for NHS Improvement Boards should be held directly accountable for digital standards, says report NHS system leaders should put a US style “meaningful use” clause into provider contracts to require hospitals ...

  • Workforce

    New staffing metric 'may lead to unsafe nursing levels'


    ‘Care hours’ metric to be ‘principal’ measure for nursing deployment Experts say using metric could lead to unsafe staffing Concerns include the mixing of nurse and healthcare assistant numbers Lord Carter says trusts should also use separate data on nurses and HCAs A new headline staffing metric proposed ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    Dalton 'disappointed' BMA has 'refused to negotiate' on Saturday working


    Sir David Dalton has written directly to junior doctors ahead of next week’s 24 hour strike, revealing more details from the government’s negotiations with the British Medical Association.

  • lab, research, medical research,

    Learning how to implement research results can improve healthcare


    Implementation of new treatments and technologies is more important than simply discovering them – a course teaches just that. By Rachel Davis

  • Ian Cumming

    HEE chief: Spending review cuts led to fewer nurse places


    Ian Cumming says Health Education England would have “almost certainly” commissioned more nurse training places for 2016-17 Failure to tackle poor staff retention is biggest risk factor to delivering HEE’s planned workforce growth HEE fears NHS employers’ workforce predictions are not in line with new care models Health ...

  • GP with male patient
    HSJ Local

    Health on the back burner in southern devolution bid


    Complex integration left to later stage by Surrey, East and West Sussex

  • News

    Royal colleges wade into junior contract talks


    Six royal colleges and 15 medical associations warn of “long term damage” without negotiated deal Private letter sent in support of a deal as Acas talks continue Government warned against spreading resources “more thinly” Both sides in the junior doctors’ contract dispute have been urged to reach a ...

  • Agency nurses

    New data suggests agency price cap is working


    Monitor data suggests 40 per cent drop in number of agency shifts breaching new price caps Largest fall was in nursing, where breaches dropped by 47 per cent Lower levels of pay and new rules to roll out over next few months The number of NHS shifts by ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens 'more powerful than any cabinet minister'


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens is the fourth most powerful person in the country, HSJ editor Alastair McLellan told the BBC’s Week in Westminster last week.

  • Axe

    HSCIC faces 30 per cent grant cut


    30 per cent cut to HSCIC grant based on spending review assumptions, finance chief says Cut yet to be confirmed by Department of Health Spending review showed non-ringfenced NHS bodies faced big cuts The Health and Social Care Information Centre has estimated it faces a 30 per cent ...

  • Lord Carter

    Exclusive: Carter calls for cap on hospital management costs


    Lord Carter proposes cap on hospital corporate and management spending Draft of his unreleased report recommends expenditure does not exceed 7 per cent of income Trusts above this must submit plans for reduction against national benchmarks Lord Carter is set to recommend that all hospital trusts’ management and ...

  • Richard cookson

    Unhealthy Lazarus and the A&E crisis


    Richard Cookson on why hospital managers should pay more attention to local healthcare inequalities

  • Jim Mackey

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement executive team structure revealed


    NHS Improvement agrees executive team structure for after Monitor-TDA meger Eleven executives will report directly to Jim Mackey Posts are open to applicants from the regulators’ senior teams and affected NHS England staff NHS Improvement expected announce appointments by mid-February NHS Improvement has agreed the structure of the ...

  • social care one use

    Quarter of CCGs’ BCF contributions to shrink


    Nearly a quarter of clinical commissioning groups will be allowed to contribute less to the better care fund next year than the minimum requirement in 2015-16, NHS England has confirmed.

  • Robert Francis

    Safe staffing leak: How we got here


    HSJ has today published the final safe nurse staffing guidance for accident and emergency departments produced by NICE. We have covered this important story since the beginning. Here we recap the main events to get you up to speed.

  • A&E

    NICE leak: A&Es could be understaffed 'half of the time'


    Leaked NICE document suggests current NHS practices for estimating demand are inadequate Guidance says trusts should overstaff departments against historical trends Overcrowding in UK emergency departments is “common” and linked to poor outcomes Read the guideline NHS accident and emergency departments in England may be understaffed as much ...

  • Shaun_Lintern

    Expert view: Leaked safe staffing guideline demands action from the NHS


    HSJ’s patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern argues that NICE’s leaked accident and emergency recommendations mean providers must take action.

  • Calendar

    Providers given ultimatum over access to £1.8bn bailout fund


    NHS providers have till 8 February to sign up to “control total” financial targets for 2016-17 Only then can they secure a share of £1.8bn “sustainability and transformation fund” Regulators say “collective urgent action” needed to contain 2015-16 deficit NHS providers have been given until 8 February to ...

  • Richmond House

    New DH permanent secretary appointed


    Current education permanent secretary to move to DH Chris Wormald has previously worked at Cabinet Office and Department for Communities and Local Government Appointment comes at a time of extreme financial pressure The Department for Education’s top civil servant is to take over at the Department of Health ...