All Policy articles – Page 79

  • emergency__doctors__surgeons.JPG

    BMA cancels strike as government suspends imposition threat


    Government agreed to drop imposition threat in exchange for “time limited” negotiations Agreement to negotiate follows Acas talks and months of acrimony after BMA walkout in October 2014 Hunt tells MPs strike action could have led to 20,000 operations being cancelled The British Medical Association has suspended strike ...

  • Duncan Selbie

    Selbie: Councils can absorb public health cuts


    Public Health England’s chief executive has told councils he is confident they can absorb a nearly 10 per cent cut while making progress “protecting and improving the public’s health”. 

  • Parliament

    New tariff objection threshold faces Lords challenge


    Labour peers to challenge government’s plans to raise objection threshold needed to trigger tariff arbitration this afternoon Lord Hunt to move amendment claiming proposed changes to secondary legislation are “fundamentally unfair” Lords scrutiny committee warned public consultation on the changes was too short NHS Providers has raised concerns with ...

  • Prof David Fish

    David Fish to head up Essex success regime


    UCLPartners managing director Sir David Fish has been appointed to chair leaders’ group for Essex success regime. Group has to oversee the production of a “detailed implementation plan” by February Success regime was launched to turn around areas with serious care quality, performance and financial challenges UCLPartners ...

  • Syringe

    Exclusive: NHS England faces judicial review over narcolepsy drug refusal


    NHS England has until tomorrow to decide whether to fund narcolepsy treatment for teenager 194 patients have already received NHS funding for Xyrem Lawyers claim the refusal to fund the drug is discriminatory and unlawful NHS England has until tomorrow to decide whether to fund for a teenager ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Morecambe Bay transcripts to remain secret until autumn 2016


    Transcripts of 118 interviews could take until autumn 2016 to be published Morecambe Bay inquiry chair Bill Kirkup says timescale is a “surprise” Witnesses to the inquiry included senior NHS figures PATIENT SAFETY: Transcripts of interviews carried out for the Morecambe Bay inquiry will not be made public ...


    Exclusive: HEE budget freeze will have 'consequences' for NHS


    Health Education England’s underlying budget will be frozen in nominal terms until 2020-21 It will also lose £1.2bn of funding for student nurses and allied health professionals from 2017, as these payments are stopped HEE will continue to control placement fees for students training in the NHS ...

  • Carer with elderly man

    Social care precept threatens to widen the income gap


    Fourfold difference in social care precept potential

  • Nurse

    Exclusive: Agency staff survey raises fears cap will be 'train crash'


    Survey of 3,600 agency staff shows many already work in the NHS and extra shifts top up pay More than half of agency staff said they will work fewer shifts or change career as a result of agency caps Monitor says action is needed to tackle “spiralling wage bill” ...

  • Danny Mortimer

    NHS Employers approaches Acas over junior doctor contract


    NHS Employers confirms approach to Acas on Thursday night BMA made offer of mediation following industrial action ballot It is the first step towards negotiation since October 2014 NHS Employers last night approached the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration service about the possibility of negotiations over a new junior ...

  • George Osborne

    Spending review 2015: What to expect for health


    HSJ sets out key issues the NHS should track in next week’s spending review announcement

  • child_accident_emergency_surgery_intubation_paediatrics.jpg

    'Top-ups' for specialised services to rise, but paediatrics to lose out


    Top-up payments for specialised services would increase by more than a third under new tariff proposals, but would be slashed by more than half in paediatrics.

  • Bruce Keogh

    Keogh raises terrorism fears over junior doctors strike


    Sir Bruce Keogh says BMA must have clear guidance around major incidents in light of Paris attacks NHS England medical director says patient safety of “paramount importance” Letter calls on BMA to advise doctors to return to work if wards are short staffed Sir Bruce Keogh has called ...

  • Whistle

    Exclusive: Monitor to reveal national whistleblowing policy


    NHS organisations in England required to adopt national whistleblower policy Regulators believe policy will tackle variable standards Move follows recommendation of Sir Robert Francis QC’s report Monitor will publish plans today for a national whistleblowing policy that each NHS organisation in England will be required to adopt, HSJ ...

  • Group of clinical professionals talking

    Exclusive: Fewer than one in 10 hospitals meet their own nurse staffing targets


    Nine in 10 hospital sites fail to achieve own nurse staffing plans Chief nurses insist recruiting substantive nurses will save the NHS money Hopson: “Not enough clarity and consistency in the system” over staffing More than nine out of 10 acute hospitals in England are failing to meet ...

  • Parliament, policy, politician, government

    MPs consider powers to transfer NHS functions in 'radical' devolution bill


    Devolution bill would allow NHS functions, assets and funding to be transferred to local government Experts warn of increasing variation in NHS offer across the country Devolved areas would remain accountable to regulators Health secretary would continue to have responsibility for NHS services MPs will next week consider ...

  • News

    Exclusive: Consultant contract negotiations nearing conclusion


    NHS Employers aiming to make final offer in December Contract variation will affect all consultants working in England Changes come as junior doctors ballot for industrial action Negotiations to change medical consultant contracts could be completed as early as next month, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    NHS England gives CCGs strict orders to impose provider fines


    NHS England criticised for instructing CCGs to fine providers and return cash to the centre Midlands and East region given particularly strict instructions Chris Hopson: “Provider leaders are entitled to expect a logical, supportive and reasonable operating model” NHS England has been condemned for instructing clinical commissioning groups ...

  • Arrows

    Mackey: Regulatory duties must not stop NHS Improvement helping trusts


    NHS Improvement will have an “accountability edge and a regulatory edge”, says Jim Mackey Chief executive says more can be done to make competition a driver of improvement Trusts that are “quite close” to FT authorisation should be allowed to finish process The regulatory duties of NHS Improvement ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Video: Jeremy Hunt on NHS 'elephant traps'


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt explains why the digitising of medical records will only bring positive change if the NHS can avoid the elephant traps of increased bureaucracy, blurred accountability, financial waste and insecure data.