All Policy articles – Page 96
Forward view: Unprecedented call for NHS funding growth
The national leadership of the NHS has issued an unprecedented warning to politicians that it cannot continue at current funding levels
Local integration needs national backing: Five steps for government
The county is finding that health and social care integration requires central government action
Health Education England launches student assessment tool
Universities offering healthcare courses will be required to assess the values of every potential student in face to face interviews after a Health Education England study found almost one in three were not doing so.
Our 'Cinderella service' steps into the limelight
Mental health rises belatedly to the top of the political agenda
College president warns against clustering in mental health
Parts of the mental health service could be destabilised by the ‘cluster’ payment system proposed for the sector, the president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has warned.
Exclusive: Government set to release more A&E rescue funding
The health service is set to receive a further multimillion pound government bailout aimed at avoiding a politically embarrassing failure of the accident and emergency waiting target during winter
What price is a pay rise when we count the cost of Ebola?
Ignoring the strikers could still prove costly
Welsh NHS should elect health commissioners, Conservatives say
Elected health commissioners would be introduced to the Welsh NHS under a Conservative administration.
Specialised services worth £600m could be handed to CCGs
Clinical commissioning groups should be handed responsibility for commissioning specialised services worth more than £600m, NHS England has recommended.
'Dilnot style' commission on ageing society proposed
The Liberal Democrats have proposed to set up a ‘Dilnot style’ cross-party commission on how the NHS can meet the needs of an ageing society.
Lib Dems call for 'equality of funding' for mental health
The Liberal Democrats have adopted a policy of moving to ‘equality of funding’ for mental health services – a pledge that, if enacted, would move around £13bn of funding into mental health from the acute sector.
Lib Dems lobby for more money for 2015-16 amid cash crisis fears
The Liberal Democrats are calling for the 2015-16 funding settlement for the NHS to be “in effect reopened” amid fears that an imminent cash crisis could lead to declining access to services and redundancies
Cameron: We will protect the NHS budget
The prime minister has announced at the Conservative Party conference that he would “protect the NHS budget and continue to invest more” in the next parliament
A wall of fines: perverse waiting targets pack a bigger punch
There is a better way to measure waiting times
EXCLUSIVE: Burnham outlines new role for Monitor
A Labour government could put Monitor in charge of overseeing the financial sustainability of whole health economies, Andy Burnham has told HSJ
Lamb proposes new laws to empower health and wellbeing boards
New laws should be introduced in the next parliament to give health and wellbeing boards extra powers including the ability to independently hold budgets, Norman Lamb has told HSJ.
Labour 'needs to address funding to universities' to meet workforce pledge
Labour would have to address a shortage of funding to universities if it were to deliver on its pledge for 36,000 extra NHS staff if it formed a government, HSJ has been told
Finance experts: Labour £2.5bn pledge 'not enough' for long term
A Labour proposal for a funding increase for the NHS has been welcomed by health economists – but met immediate calls for a longer term financial settlement to secure and transform the service.