HSJ Local
Hampshire providers struggle on emergency target
PERFORMANCE: Providers in the Hampshire area have struggled to meet the four hour accident and emergency waiting times target in quarter one of 2012-13.
HSJ Local
Analysed: acute demand outpacing supply on the south coast
HSJ Local Briefing is our new in-depth analysis of key issues facing some of the major NHS health economies. This week’s HSJ Local Briefing looks at the Southampton and Portsmouth health economy, which has struggled to control rising demand for acute services.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth trust struggles on emergency
PERFORMANCE: Accident and emergency performance is deteriorating at Portsmouth Hospitals Trust, due to “mismatches” in staffing levels and difficulties implementing discharge and patient flow policies.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth trust reports surplus after £13.6m extra cash
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust finished 2011-12 with a £148,000 surplus, but only after a securing an extra £13.6m from commissioners.
HSJ Local
Concern over A&E demand in Portsmouth and Southampton
PERFORMANCE: Emergency department waiting times have been identified as a “key performance concern” by the Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth primary care trust cluster.
HSJ Local
Demand managment 'adrift' in Portsmouth
FINANCE: Demand management schemes in Portsmouth are £3.4m “adrift” of plan, partly due to extra work undertaken to cut waiting lists.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth trust prepares to miss savings target
FINANCE: Portsmouth Hospitals Trust has set aside £2m in case it fails to hit its savings target for 2011-12, but has admitted that this might not cover the shortfall.
Coastal configuration for vascular services runs aground
The proposed centralisation of complex vascular surgery in Hampshire has been mothballed after trusts failed to agree on the plans.
HSJ Local
Commissioners 'very disappointed' as reconfiguration abandoned
STRUCTURE: Vascular services in the south of Hampshire are to remain unchanged after a planned reconfiguration was halted.
HSJ Local
Hampshire reports pressure on acute contracts
FINANCE: The Hampshire health system is reporting a surplus, having released almost all its contingency reserves for the first three quarters of 2011-12.
HSJ Local
Hampshire trusts close to agreement on vascular reconfiguration
STRUCTURE: “Considerable progress” has been made towards reconciling a dispute between two trusts over the future of vascular services in Hampshire.
Revealed: the six trusts that need DH support with their PFI
Six hospital trusts have been identified as needing Department of Health cash support with their private finance initiative payments in order to make foundation trust status, HSJ can reveal.
30th annual HSJ Awards winners revealed
The 30th HSJ Awards took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in central London, recognising trusts and organisations for outstanding excellence in healthcare service and innovation across 18 key health categories.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth trust falls behind job cuts plan
WORKFORCE: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust is slipping against targets for cutting the size and cost of its workforce.
HSJ Local
Rising patient complaints at Portsmouth trust
PERFORMANCE: There has been a rise in the level of complains about Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, despite a high level of patient satisfaction and improving performance in most areas.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth trust misses deficit target despite PCT help
FINANCE: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has missed its target deficit for the year to date, despite a £3.7m injection from Hampshire and Portsmouth primary care trusts.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth rates itself red over A&E performance
PERFORMANCE: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has awarded itself a “red” rating for governance after performance declined during September.
Major reconfiguration plans emerging across England
Details on a wave of reconfigurations are emerging as regions follow London’s example by concentrating services into a smaller number of specialist units.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth trust opposes reconfiguration plans
STRUCTURE: Reconfiguration plans for stroke, vascular and trauma services in the South Central region has caused disagreement among trusts, some of whom could lose specialties under the proposals.
Lansley identifies 20 'unsustainable' trusts
The government has identified 20 trusts whose “clinical and financial stability is at risk” because of “cash-flow shortages” and legacy debt.