HSJ Local
CQC finds minor concerns at Queen Alexandra Hospital
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was meeting standards relating to nutrition, but with minor concerns, during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth hospitals exceed month one deficit target
FINANCE: Portsmouth Hospitals Trust is already exceeding its planned deficit by more than a third, reporting a £1.23m funding gap, which is £300,000 worse than the forecast figure for April 2011.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth Hospitals Trust breaches full-year diagnostics target in one month
PERFORMANCE: Portsmouth University Hospitals Trust has launched a recruitment drive after failing to meet a target on diagnostic waiting times, recording more than double the allowed breaches for a year in the first month of 2011-12.
HSJ Local
IRP review recommends against reopening Portsmouth ward
STRUCTURE: The Independent Reconfiguration Panel has recommended that a hospital in Portsmouth should not reverse its decision to close an end of life care ward.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth stroke care below target despite improvements
PERFORMANCE: The proportion of stroke patients in Portsmouth receiving quality care is increasing – but remains below target.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth takes hard line on long term sickness
WORKFORCE: Portsmouth Hospitals Trust has dismissed 75 individuals for sickness absence or performance issues as part of a workforce efficiency drive which knocked £9m off the pay bill.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth Hospitals 'disappointed' in PFI partner
FINANCE: Portsmouth Hospitals Trust has announced it is “disappointed” at its private finance initiative partner’s decision to increase car parking charges by 5.5 per cent.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth Hospitals win new Ministry of Defence contract
COMMERCIAL: The Ministry of Defence has awarded Portsmouth Hospitals Trust its elective healthcare contract up to 31 March 2013.
Seeking sustainability on the South Coast
News that Portsmouth Hospitals Trust is one of 22 predicted to struggle to gain foundation trust status because of a hefty private finance deal would have come as little surprise to the local health economy.
Acute trusts' FT plans slip back a year
More than a quarter of the acute trusts still bidding for foundation status have seen their application date slip by over a year.
Exclusive: government admits PFI deals mean 22 trusts will struggle to meet foundation status target
The Department of Health has named 22 hospitals with private finance deals that are “an obstacle to them achieving FT status by April 2014”.
HSJ Local
PCT agrees transfer of entire estate to aspirant CFT
COMMERCIAL: An aspirant community foundation trust on the south coast has launched a bid to take over the entire estates of its two commissioning primary care trusts.
HSJ Local
South Central renews joint contract for payroll services
COMMERCIAL: Ten NHS organisations in South Central have renewed their contract with NHS Shared Business Services for another four years.
HSJ Local
'Challenging' savings plan for NHS Portsmouth
FINANCE: NHS Portsmouth needs to make quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) savings of £15.2m in the coming financial year, equivalent to 4.6 per cent of the primary care trust’s allocation.
HSJ Local
Commisioners agree to pick up the bill for Portsmouth's PFI
FINANCE: Commissioners in south east Hampshire have agreed to pay the unitary payments of the private finance initiative for any parts of Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital estate that can be freed up for alternative uses.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth feeling heat over lack of FT application
STRUCTURE: A south coast trust tied to a £256m private finance initiative is being put under pressure to agree a timetable for achieving foundation status, despite being forced to drop an earlier bid.
'Challenged' acute trusts abandon independent FT status plans
More than half of the Department of Health’s seven financially “challenged” trusts appear to have abandoned plans to become foundation trusts.
HSJ Local
Recruitment freeze pays off at Portsmouth Hospitals Trust
WORKFORCE: A recruitment freeze at Portsmouth Hospitals Trust is achieving savings above plan.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth Hospitals Trust struggling to make savings
FINANCE: The Trust is behind on its plan to save £37m this year and is running a monthly deficit of £700,000.
HSJ Local
Portsmouth maternity centres reopen for births
STRUCTURE: Blake Maternity Centre in Gosport and Grange Maternity Centre in Petersfield have reopened for births.