All Primary care contracts and commissioning articles – Page 36
Stephen Eames on GPs in the hotseat
At a recent dinner party, a fellow guest, who happened to be a GP, said: “If I was to invite my colleagues to a meeting about practice based commissioning, I would be there on my own with the sandwiches” (well, actually these days it would be without the sandwiches.).
New GP role may create deficit
Handing the NHS commissioning budget over to GPs could cause the NHS to generate a gross annual deficit of at least £1.2bn, research due to be published soon suggests.
David Nicolson slows pace of Lansley change
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has said he doubts whether health secretary Andrew Lansley’s plans to implement GP commissioning can be achieved by April 2012.
GPs should be given commissioning budgets now
GPs who want them should be given hard budgets now, with the details of national policy filled in later, according to a report from the NHS Alliance.
David Nicholson doubts 2012 timescale for GP commissioning role
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has poured doubt over health secretary Andrew Lansley’s plans to implement GP commissioning by April 2012.
Lansley acknowledges PBC accountability concerns
Health secretary Andrew Lansley has acknowledged concerns over the accountability arrangements for GP budget holding but has said there is “no merit” in implementing his planned changes slowly.
Lansley must keep information flowing while NHS targets ebb away
Andrew Lansley’s keynote speech at this week’s NHS Confederation conference could be the largest audience of health service managers he will ever address as health secretary.
Why the NHS should devote 5 per cent of its budget to public health
It may seem crazy talk, but the NHS should devote 5 per cent of its budget to public health. We can’t afford not to, says John Middleton
Andrew Lansley challenges a decade of NHS spending
Health secretary Andrew Lansley assures HSJ editor Alastair McLellan that funding is still to rise annually - but the scale and rationale for any increases will differ vastly from recent years
Who will help GPs if managers are laid off?
A third of senior health service managers think they will no longer work for the NHS in two years.
'Don't doubt the government’s commitment to radical NHS reform'
It would be wise not to underestimate the government’s commitment to radical NHS reform.
NHS facing brain drain as leaders look for exit
Nearly a third of managers are considering leaving the NHS, and a disproportionately large number of them are senior leaders or have highly valued skills, according to HSJ’s biggest ever survey.
Operating framework to pave way for abolition of targets
A revised NHS operating framework is expected to immediately relax a number of Labour’s flagship targets - and pave the way for their subsequent abolition.
First test to Lansley's new reconfiguration policy
The first decision to downgrade an accident and emergency department since the coalition government was elected is due to be taken by NHS Nottinghamshire County tomorrow.
Calls for 'inclusive' commissioning
A meeting bringing together health professionals from across the UK has been held to debate the future of clinician-led commissioning.
NHS London loses another three board members
NHS London has lost a further three members of its board, leading to crisis talks over its ability to retain enough non executives to pass decisions.
PCTs to lose responsibility for GPs
Primary care trusts will have their responsibilities radically stripped back under plans being developed by health secretary Andrew Lansley.
Hard budgets for GPs – profit or productivity?
The coalition government’s plans for revamping practice based commissioning with ‘real’ budgets are dominated by concerns over ensuring the policy will incentivise service improvement and not simply produce wealthier GPs. Steve Ford reports
John Deffenbaugh: let us exploit our canny GPs
Let’s tap into local doctors’ famous entrepreneurial nous - and pay them to manage demand on the NHS