All Primary care networks articles
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GP refusing to join PCN wins court battle with NHS England
A judge has ruled a GP’s contract should not have been terminated after he refused to join a primary care network, in a legal dispute with NHS England.
Local communities should lead on setting priorities, not ICBs
Brian Fisher highlights the Coalition for Personalised Care’s work in examining the key conditions that empower communities to set and address their priorities, a tactic which yields numerous benefits
NHSE faces court battle with GP refusing to join a network
A landmark legal battle between NHS England and a GP who is refusing to join a primary care network will be heard by the Court of Appeal, it has confirmed.
Trust-owned GP provider doubles in size despite ‘NHS rulebook’
A foundation trust’s GP provider has grown rapidly in the past year to become one of the largest in England, its team has told HSJ.
Threefold ICS variation in GP phone access revealed
Patients trying to reach their GP are almost three times as likely to fail to get through in the worst-performing integrated care systems than the best, according to analysis of new annual figures.