Primary Care – Page 198

  • Pursuing the rewards for world class commissioning unveiled by the Department of Health this week looks likely to prove a test of every PCT's whole operational strategy. Helen Crump reports

    PCTs find there are no shortcuts to freedom


    Pursuing the rewards for world class commissioning unveiled by the Department of Health this week looks likely to prove a test of every PCT’s whole operational strategy. Helen Crump reports

  • Steve Barnett at Confed 2009

    Steve Barnett says it’s 'make or break' for the NHS


    The NHS is facing a “make or break” moment in its history, NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett told delegates at the conference today.

  • Doctors

    It's official: NHS productivity is rising


    NHS productivity rose by 1.2 per cent in 2007 and 0.7 per cent in 2006, official statistics show, reversing a seven year stretch of declining productivity.

  • NHS waiting times

    NHS waiting times up sharply


    The number of patients waiting more than eight weeks for an outpatient appointment has shot up by nearly a third in the space of a month, Department of Health figures reveal.

  • Derek Wanless

    Bank to basics


    Primary care trusts were unfazed when health select committee MPs slated their financial abilities earlier this year.

  • Crowd

    PCTs leave public on the policy sidelines


    Primary care trusts are failing to put patients and the public at the centre of the very strategies designed to engage them.

  • Comment

    Michael White on the big split over ISTCs


    Andrew Lansley has been out and about attacking Alan Johnson’s record as a failed health secretary (“the postman who hasn’t delivered”) on the grounds he has not closed the health gap between rich and poor - and also let the NHS’s Blairite choice agenda atrophy.

  • doctor

    Unite campaigns against community service reforms


    Trade union Unite has launched a campaign against Department of Health plans to separate primary care trust provider arms from commissioning PCTs.

  • Dr Foster Inequalities video
    HSJ Knowledge

    Working in partnership to tackle health inequalities


    Managers from NHS Birmingham East and North explain the work their PCT has done to tackle health inequalities. Sponsored by Dr Foster

  • World class commissioning could save PCTs £3bn

    World class commissioning could save PCTs £3bn


    Primary care trusts could save £3bn over five years through world class commissioning, the Department of Health has claimed.

  • Mug Andrew Lansley from interview

    Andrew Lansley attacks Alan Johnson


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley attacked Alan Johnson in a speech to the Royal Society for Arts yesterday, accusing him of neglecting his responsibilities as health secretary.

  • child obesity fat diet food health2

    Massive variation in London child obesity


    Childhood obesity levels vary by more than 100 per cent between primary care trusts within London.

  • Money UK and calculator

    New NHS tariff upsets PCT financial plans


    Cost inflation caused by the introduction of the latest version of the payment by results tariff could hit primary care trusts’ preparations for the financial downturn, commissioners have warned.

  • diabetes

    GP incentive system delivers disappointing results on diabetes


    The GP incentive scheme has not had the dramatic impact on diabetes care that was predicted when it was introduced five years ago, researchers have found.

  • back pain

    NICE backs complementary therapies


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has given its backing to complementary therapies for the first time.

  • generic magnifying glass

    Competition panel looks at NHS provider shift


    The co-operation and competition panel is to investigate plans to transfer a primary care trust provider arm’s services to a foundation trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioner-provider divide


    Primary care trusts are facing some critical issues over the integrity of local services as they separate their commissioner and provider functions.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health inequalities evaluation framework


    In September 2008, NHS Westminster commissioned Shared Intelligence and Gillian Granville Associates to develop an evaluation framework. The purpose was to shape the development and delivery of the health inequalities and health promotion programmes, and build the local evidence base of effectiveness.

  • Peat David

    David Peat on embracing NHS change


    Attitudes to the idea of change have always fascinated me. And I suppose I’m revisiting the concept since I’m on the verge of changing my own role in the NHS by moving on to take up a new post at strategic health authority level.

  • Older woman

    Developing an integrated falls prevention service


    Falls-related injuries are the leading cause of death due to accident in older people. Sue Poulton explains how to develop an integrated falls prevention and bone health service to reduce the risk of falls