Primary Care – Page 223

  • News

    PCT anger over spending study findings


    Primary care trusts have reacted angrily to a King's Fund report highlighting unexplained variations in spending on cancer, heart disease and mental health.

  • News

    Incentives needed for GP expansion


    Incentives must be in place to ensure the hundreds of extra GPs who gain first year training posts next year stay in the workforce, a senior analyst has warned.

  • News

    Surge of acute contracts puts strain on PCTs' spend targets


    Primary care trusts are battling to stay clear of deficit as their finances come under pressure from a surge in secondary care work.Many PCTs overspent on their commissioning budgets for the first three months of the financial year and some are now looking to make savings in other areas to ...

  • News

    PCTs dispute discrimination findings


    A massive gap in spend between white patients and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds has been exposed in figures given to HSJ.

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    Rethink maternity service plans, panel tells PCTs


    A government panel has slammed two primary care trusts for failing to consult on plans for a radical re-design of maternity services.

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    Care integration must tackle inequality


    Organisations in integrated care pilot schemes will be expected to deliver measurable improvements on health inequalities, the Department of Health has revealed.

  • News

    London's first polyclinic locations are unveiled


    Healthcare for London has revealed the locations of the capital's first five polyclinics.

  • Comment

    Julia Tybura on visualising world class commissioning


    Watching the Olympic women's weightlifting - yes, I should get out more - I was struck by the sheer focus of a Chinese woman who won gold.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated care connections


    The Connected Care project involves healthcare organisations genuinely listening to local people. Paul Dinsdale tunes in

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Benchmarking out of hours healthcare


    Huge variations in the cost and quality of out of hours healthcare around the country have led to moves to benchmark these services. Kaye McIntosh reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Gathering equality data in the health service


    Data on local service users plays a key role in shaping public health strategies and planning services that meet the needs of the community. Helen Bunter and Debra Canning examine how one PCT is improving data collection

  • News

    Cervical cancer immunisation plans may exclude Muslim girls


    Muslim girls will be excluded from a national vaccination scheme against cervical cancer because it clashes with the holy month of Ramadan, religious leaders are warning.

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    Top-up payment review highlights NHS bodies' worries


    Responses to the review of co-payments have revealed the extent of uncertainty about the way forward for the NHS on top-ups.

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    Conservatives plan to step up councils' role in health


    Public health directors would have to report to local authorities under plans announced by the shadow health secretary last week.

  • Comment

    Michael White on public health policy


    Andrew Lansley seems to have been the first health politico to get off the beach and back in hot water this summer with that 'no excuses, no nannying' speech he made to the pro-market Reform think tank.

  • News

    Accountancy firms win PCT board roles


    Three of the 'big four' accountancy firms have been selected to improve primary care trust boards' skills.KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young are all leading consortiums that have made successful bids to be on the Department of Health's new PCT board development framework.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get happy: the secret to a healthy old age


    There is clear evidence older people benefit from preventive healthcare. For the fulfilled old age that people want, services must spot depression early and support good diet and mobility

  • News

    London polyclinics to use 'federated' model


    None of London's first wave of controversial polyclinics will deliver all its services from a single new standalone building.

  • Comment

    Gay Lee on the social care debate


    Nurses and social workers know it is impossible to tell where social care ends and healthcare begins. Yet they waste time, effort and money trying to prise them apart - because government policy says they must.

  • News

    Lansley boosts councils' role in public health


    Public health directors would have to report to local authorities under plans announced by the shadow health secretary last week.Andrew Lansley told an audience at the think tank Reform that the Conservatives now envisaged councils having an even greater role in improving public health.Outlining conclusions from the party's consultation on ...