Primary Care – Page 230

  • News

    Pilot scheme aims to integrate health and social care


    An £11m pilot scheme creating systems to integrate health and social care assessment and planning is to be launched, delegates at the NHS Confederation annual conference have been told.

  • News

    Managers raise concerns over new local assessments


    Primary care managers at the NHS Confederation annual conference have expressed concern about the lack of baseline data for some of the indicators they have chosen as part of the new comprehensive area assessment.

  • Leader

    BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance


    One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.

  • News

    BMA delivers anti-polyclinic petition to No 10


    The British Medical Association stepped up its opposition to polyclinics last week, when GPs delivered a 1.2-million-signature petition to 10 Downing Street and passed a series of no-confidence votes in the government and health minister Lord Darzi.

  • News

    DH backs down on care record consent


    The Department of Health is considering making it easier for patients to opt out of the electronic care record service, officials told a Commons committee this week.

  • News

    Top-up review set to question core NHS principles


    The 'founding principles of the NHS' are to be revisited after the government launched a review of the ban preventing patients making 'top-up' payments for drugs.

  • News

    Annual health check: PCTs let standards fall


    Less than a quarter of primary care trusts believe their services have met all government quality standards.

  • News

    Tougher indicators aim at fairer comparisons


    Annual performance ratings are being beefed up for some NHS sectors to make fairer comparisons possible across the service.

  • News

    Capital's PCTs give Darzi the thumbs up


    Polyclinics are likely to be up and running across London by April 2009 following primary care trusts' endorsement of proposals in Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London.

  • News

    Integrated care heightens provider monopolies risk


    Primary care trusts will need to hold powerful monopoly providers to account if Lord Darzi gives integrated care systems the go-ahead.

  • News

    Regions braced for change as plans put Darzi's vision on map


    The strategic health authorities have set out their stalls but is there anything new in the proposals and are they likely to make regional variations in care inevitable? Alison Moore investigates

  • HSJ Partners

    Information Centre alcohol report paints a worrying picture


    Hospital admissions specifically related to alcohol have more than doubled in England since 1995, according to an NHS Information Centre report.

  • HSJ Partners

    NHS Comparators wins national award


    The NHS Comparators website scooped the Best use of Information award at the annual ASSIST awards.

  • HSJ Partners

    The future focus for social care information


    Demands and expectations on the social care system in England have changed significantly over the last decade. Our population has grown dramatically and its composition has evolved greatly in terms of age and ethnicity. In deciding how best to address these needs, providers need to consider how to offer a ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Globalisation and the health service


    Globalisation poses challenges for the NHS as it copes with rising demands and the needs of a diverse community, writes David Stout

  • News

    DH evades Treasury cap on central budgets


    The Department of Health will use part of its own internal underspend to release itself from Treasury-imposed cut backs in administrative spending. As part of the comprehensive spending review the Treasury imposed a two per cent (£5m) reduction each year to the DH’s central budget of£225m. But in its business ...

  • News

    NHS Choices launches personal service


    Over 10,000 people have signed up for NHS Choices’ personalised NHS service in the first month since its launch, storing their doctor’s details and subscribing to relevant health information. NHS Choices admits that the service is limited but will be expanded. Plans over the next two months include personal care ...

  • Comment

    David Baker on men's health


    According to independent body the Men's Health Forum, too many men suffer unnecessary poor health and die too young from preventable causes.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    How does the UK compare at commissioning?


    World class commissioning will require an international perspective on health and well-being. It is not enough for PCTs and SHAs to compare similar organisations in England or even the UK.

  • News

    GP incentives are not needed, 'inverse care' doctor tells MPs


    The GP who developed the 'inverse care law' - which says those most in need of healthcare are least likely to receive it - has told MPs he objects to giving family doctors financial incentives to do their job.