Primary Care – Page 234

  • News

    Scottish GPs discuss industrial action


    The NHS risks losing family doctors' goodwill, a Scottish GPs' leader has warned.

  • News

    Darzi reforms must not be dictated by DH - Nuffield Trust


    The government must not dictate how to develop integrated care systems following Lord Darzi's forthcoming review, a leading health policy organisation warns.

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    Scotland's personal care funding gap must be filled


    Free personal and nursing care in Scotland needs better funding and planning, says a new report.

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    GPs paid £20m for sickness and maternity cover


    GP practices in England were paid more than £20m last year for locums to cover sickness and maternity leave in their practices, HSJ has learnt.

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    Lib Dems scrap free social care promise


    The Liberal Democrats have formally ditched their policy of free social care in England. The party has opted instead for a co-payment system based on the one set out by Sir Derek Wanless for the King's Fund.

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    Frustration over advance GP appointments


    Nearly three quarters of England's GP practices have left at least one in 10 patients dissatisfied because of the difficulties of making appointments more than two days in advance.

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    Public health network to help avoid 'postcode lotteries'


    A new public health network is to give primary care trusts advice on licensed drugs before the publication of NICE guidance, HSJ can reveal.The advice will help PCTs avoid accusations that they are imposing a 'postcode lottery'.

  • News

    Doubts over community foundation trusts


    Conflicts of interest, difficulties in demonstrating autonomy and low pay are just some of the potential problems facing community foundation trusts.

  • Comment

    Preparing for a pandemic in the NHS


    We live in a climate where the threat of bio-terrorism is significant enough to warrant serious preparation for a biological attack.This, together with the possibility of global outbreaks of infectious disease, such as avian influenza or SARS, increases the need to prepare for a pandemic.

  • News

    Scottish doctors to vote on no-confidence motion


    Scottish GPs are set to consider a vote of no confidence in the UK government's stewardship of the NHS.

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    Commissioner-provider split is inefficient, study claims


    Separating commissioner and provider functions, as advocated in world class commissioning, may damage the efficiency of the health service, a leading academic has claimed.

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    Conservatives to let GPs pick their own hours


    The Conservatives have backed GPs' calls to be allowed to determine their own opening hours.

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    PCTs plan to recruit public members to shape reform


    Primary care trusts could link up with foundations by sharing public membership bodies that drive local health priorities. PCTs are considering recruiting public members to counter perceptions they are undemocratic and overly centralised.

  • News

    Darzi reforms under threat in London


    Poor leadership in NHS organisations is threatening to jeopardise Lord Darzi's vision to transform the capital's healthcare.NHS London board papers state it is 'likely' there will be 'insufficient leadership capacity and capability in primary care trusts and allied NHS organisations' to deliver the now junior health minister's plans.

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    Vascular checks could mean insurance hikes


    Thousands of people face higher health insurance premiums and may unwittingly invalidate their policies if government plans for vascular checks get the green light.

  • News

    London must focus on prevention


    Service reform in the capital must go beyond Healthcare for London proposals and focus on prevention if fatal strokes are to be avoided, the London health observatory has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Joint working: passing the partnership test


    PCTs and local authorities are now working even more closely on understanding the needs of local people in a leap forward in partnership working. By Renu Bindra

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on the next big shift in healthcare


    I often wonder what will drive the next quantum shift in healthcare. If we ran a poll today, world class commissioning or the Darzi review would probably top the list. These ideas are fine, but it seems to me that they represent an incremental nudge rather than a quantum shift.

  • News

    Doctors' leaders challenge GP pay deal


    British Medical Association chair Hamish Meldrum has written to health secretary Alan Johnson challenging the proposed pay deal for GPs.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on tackling the digital divide


    Economic growth is increasingly driven by the skill of the local workforce and more specifically confidence and competence in using digital technologies.