Primary Care – Page 245

  • News

    social care eligibility


    One in 10 councils are planning to tighten their eligibility criteria for access to care services next year. 15 out of 150 councils told the Commission for Social Care Inspection that they will limit the number of disabled and elderly people receiving care services, Mencap has learned. It also discovered ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Long-term conditions: help patients to help themselves


    Co-creating Health is a three-year project to encourage patients manage their own treatment. Natalie Grazin explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Continuing healthcare: resolving disputes betweeen trusts and local authorities


    Primary care trusts and local authorities may sometimes disagree over continuing care decisions and it is vital to have dispute procedures in place, says David Lock

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Website launch


    Many’s the GP that has lamented the invention of the internet as yet another terrified patient comes into the consulting room with a print off and an outlandish self-diagnosis.But there’s more to the internet than dodgy medicine as a raft of new websites launched over the course of this autumn ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    World class commissioning: NHS sets out to lead the world


    The world class commissioning programme aims to extend and improve lives while giving patients real power. NHS commissioning director general Mark Britnell sets out the government's ambitious vision

  • News

    NHS primary care director to back anti-privatisation charity


    The Department of Health faces serious embarrassment next week when one of its top officials supports the launch of a campaign to oppose some of the government’s NHS privatisation plans.

  • News

    Health visitor investment will reach too few, says union


    The government is investing an additional £30m on an untested health visiting scheme that will reach too few needy families, according to trade unionists.

  • News

    Measles increase prompts PCT vaccination letter


    The rise in measles cases in England and Wales has prompted a primary care trust to write to parents urging them to have their children vaccinated.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on finding the right GP


    Is it worthwhile to register with a GP when there are other alternatives available?

  • Comment

    Telecare - improving the lives of patients with COPD


    Fatima Holt explains how telecare is helping to manage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a primary care setting, for more timely and effective care

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Team-building techniques - going beyond the comfort zone


    Innovative training techniques are helping healthcare staff from the North West become managers the NHS can be proud of. Nikki Wilcock reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Older people's mental health at CSIP


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership is working to ensure older people with mental health diagnoses have broad access to all services and are not restricted within mental health specialisms

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Managed learning network


    A year of regional networking events held by the Care Services Improvement Partnership in the north of England has facilitated managed learning

  • News

    Primary Care Organisation of the Year


    Winner Wirral PCTWirral PCT exemplifies the direction that an organisation seeking the right type of innovation for the right kinds of improvements should take with service redesign clearly demonstrating genuine clinical engagement and a leadership that reaches out across organisational boundaries.Patient and public involvement and meaningful partnership working is central ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health inequalities: the great divide


    Adding a million years to the lives of East Lancashire's population requires a big push by local partnerships, says David Peat

  • News

    GPs 'cheating' bonus scheme, study finds


    GPs excluded almost 6 per cent of eligible patients from their quality and outcomes framework last year claiming their cases did not suit the bonus scheme indicators.

  • News

    GP practices prepare for visits from new inspector


    Primary care faces a tougher monitoring regime following the government's response to consultation on the new super-regulator.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Is Darzi wrong about GP access?


    Everyone has a personal anecdote about their experience of the NHS, from the wonderful nurse to the obstructive receptionist or insensitive consultant delivering bad news. The problem is such stories are just one-off experiences - so how satisfied are patients overall across the millions of patient contacts in the NHS ...

  • News

    Teen cervical jab a logistical 'challenge'


    The roll-out of the vaccine to guard against cervical cancer poses a 'big logistical challenge' to primary care trusts, according to the Department of Health immunisation director.

  • News

    IT programme: pioneer sites of summary care records named


    NHS Connecting for Health has announced that more than 50,000 summary care records have now been uploaded to the 'spine' that underpins the NHS care records service.