Primary Care – Page 250

  • News

    BMA U-turn on GP pay plan


    The British Medical Association has distanced itself from proposed changes to GPs' pay that it jointly produced. It has argued that too many GPs will lose out under the proposals.

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    Primary care inequalities to be Johnson's top focus


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has pledged to put primary care at the centre of the government drive to improve the UK's health.

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    Lib Dems: time to scrap PCTs


    Primary care trusts should be scrapped and replaced with elected local health boards, the Liberal Democrats have proposed.

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    McNab to shake up DoH on public health


    The Department of Health has brought in a former primary care trust chief executive to shake up performance on public health.

  • Comment

    Old-style GPs may go the same way as Britain's motor industry


    ‘Dr Buckman is in danger of doing for primary care what Derek ‘Red Robbo’ Robinson did for the British motor industry in the 1970s’

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on encouraging honesty


    Once again, it is the time of year when a young manager's thoughts turn to the staff survey. The NHS staff survey is the largest of its kind in the world, and annual familiarity can breed contempt. But the results have a way of impacting on organisations' parts that even ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A game for two players


    The Healthy Schools initiative continues to be a thriving joint programme, reports Varya Shaw

  • News



    Patients should be a given a personal budget to pay for their healthcare directly, according to a report from the University of Birmingham’s Health Services Management Centre.The paper suggests personalised budgets would empower NHS patients to take control of their care, similar to direct payments for social care. Our ...

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    Deadly E. coli outbreak


    The public health protection unit at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is working with environmental health at Renfrewshire Council, the Food Standards Agency and Health Protection Scotland to identify the source of a deadly outbreak of E.coli in Paisley. It had killed one woman and infected six others at the ...

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    New advice on LINks


    Confusion about the structure of Local Involvement Networks has been clarfied by guidance from the Department of Health.The documents Getting ready for LINks, concern planning for LINks, set top replace public patient forums in April 2008 subject to legislation, and contracting a host organisation.They were informed by the seven early ...

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    The Royal College of Nursing has launched a consultation to gauge NHS members' views on the government's improved pay offer. The results of its indicative ballot have also been released, showing more than 95% of nurses wanted a ballot on strike action against the original staged pay award. The new ...

  • News

    Remove DoH from the NHS, says academic


    The government should consider an 'alternative' comprehensive spending review which proposes new models of funding for the health service, according to a report published later this month.

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    Temp manager sentenced for £300k fraud conviction


    A manager who stole more than£300,000 from the health service was last week sentenced to a year in prison.The news comes as the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service annual performance report this week revealed that fraud cost the NHS over£7m in 2006-07.Michael Buckley was working for a temporary ...

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    Victory for NICE as High Court rejects drugs firm complaints


    The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has had its integrity upheld after fending off its first High Court legal challenge.The organisation's victory over its decision not to recommend the use of certain drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease was seized on as a sign that its processes were fair.But ...

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    Autumn relaunch for skills


    The knowledge and skills framework is set for a relaunch this autumn to address its lagging implementation in many trusts.The Social Partnership Forum, made up of NHS Employers, the NHS trade unions and the Department of Health, will lead a relaunch of the Agenda for Change careers framework from mid-September.The ...

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    2,000 in move to own homes


    Nearly 2,000 people with learning disabilities are to be moved into their own homes after the DH announced £175m in funding for primary care trusts to close NHS institutions.

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    When will NHS digital dreams become a reality for patients?


    The internet is helping feed the public's huge appetite for information. But with NHS websites struggling to live up to their potential and fears of a 'digital divide', how is the health service going to meet this challenge? Alison Moore reports

  • Comment

    High Court drugs ruling marks latest skirmish in war of words


    The High Court ruling upholding the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence's decision over medication for Alzheimer's is just the latest skirmish in what promises to be protracted manoeuvring over drug use and pricing.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on anger management


    A new client is referred to me. It's clear this man is a star; a globally respected expert. When everything is going well he is personable, dynamic, creative and meets stretching targets. Yet it is clear from the muffled and coded semi-briefing I get from his boss that this man's ...

  • News

    Trusts advised not to settle women's back pay claims


    Trusts have been urged not to settle back pay claims from women who claim they were unfairly treated before the introduction of Agenda for Change.