Primary Care – Page 264

  • News

    Legal briefing: defending equal pay claims


    The introduction of Agenda for Change.has sparked numerous claims of unequal pay in the health service. Tina Elliott discusses the legal foundation of such claims and how trusts are defending them.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leadership Fellows award scheme opens for applications


    The HF is looking for a new batch of 16 talented people for its Leadership Fellows scheme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sunny outlook: weather and health


    A joint project with the Met Office is delivering health benefits for patients in Torquay, says Alison Stephens

  • News

    David Lock on continuing care liability


    'The dividing line between healthcare and social care has been the subject of numerous legal cases, endless guidance, appeals to and reports by the parliamentary ombudsman and more than a few scratched managers' heads over the years'

  • Comment

    Emma Dent's Malawi diary


    When HSJ senior features writer Emma Dent was asked to join an Oxfam and Unison delegation to poverty-stricken Malawi, she got a lot more than she bargained. Read her day-by-day account of the trip here.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Thornton on spreading innovation


    'The journey from idea to implementation is not an easy one. We need to make sure the ideas we use are the ones fired by the strongest flame and that there are many mirrors within reach.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New research could predict how NHS policies will perform


    A new approach to estimating and comparing how selected interventions affect NHS productivity could help predict how policies will perform before they are rolled out, according to the Health Foundation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Saying goodnight to chronic insomnia


    A project that aims to help.people with insomnia by promoting a range of treatment options is being supported by the Health Foundation through its Engaging with Quality in Primary Care award scheme.

  • News

    Make a splash with your merger: planning for success


    To succeed in the mergers and acquisitions game, trusts must plan carefully, say Martin Jacobs and Steve Saunders

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ken Jarrold on a 'divided house'


    'The NHS today is a house divided against itself. On one hand ministers, civil servants and many managers (if only by association); on the other, everybody else'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Age discrimination: understanding the law


    While cases are still being heard in the courts and employee victories are making headlines, Shirley Wright and Adele Aspden warn the NHS against forcing any employees to retire

  • News

    Quit-smoking figures reveal social divide


    The number of people using NHS services to quit smoking fell by 10 per cent last year.

  • Comment

    Emma Dent


    'Malawi has.only 700 healthcare workers for the whole country. One nurse can be in charge of 100 patients in rural clinics. It has the third worst maternal mortality rate in the world. Not even disposable gloves are available.'

  • News

    Deficit crisis: ground won for training must be held in face of cash battles


    'The government's service-level agreement - a response to criticism of the 10 per cent cut in training by SHAs last year - looks to be a dead letter within days of being published'

  • News

    Primary care trusts charged with rewriting £300m script


    The National Audit Office has urged primary care use generic medicines to save money. Oliver Evans hears from the leaders who will be expected to drive the savings in the milieu of restructuring and inform GP prescribing behaviour right down the line

  • News

    Partnership working needs financial conviction


    'Anxious to move on from rows over cost-shunting, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services has pledged to champion partnership working, pooled budgets and joint commissioning'

  • News

    Process pathways - the answer to 18 weeks?


    Traditional efforts to improve efficiency and reduce waste in the NHS have focused on redesigning disease- or condition-based pathways. While this approach reaps the rewards of improved flow and quality of care, improvements are often on a micro scale and do little to attract investment into service improvement at a ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Hussey on creating social capital


    'Social capital consists of.connections between family, friends, neighbours, the people we work with, and membership of community and civic organisations.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New age networks


    In just two years, NHS Networks has established itself as a generator of co-operation and innovation. Edna Robinson and Sue Cavill report

  • News

    'Damning' review slams family planning services


    The results of a review into contraceptive services in England are a 'damning indictment of contraceptive provision' in the NHS, according to sexual health campaigners.