Primary Care – Page 266

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving data on private sector healthcare


    As the proportion of NHS patients treated by the independent sector continues to rise, the Information Centre for health and social focusing on new ways of improving the quality of.information submitted by private sector health providers, particularly about NHS-funded care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Encouraging clinicians to use data


    The Information Centre for health and social care.has launched a new initiative to work more closely with clinicians to improve the quality of data used to measure patient outcomes.

  • News

    Survey reveals public satisfaction with GPs


    A patient survey has found 21 categories in which GPs' patients feel services have improved over the last three years.Almost half rated their satisfaction levels as excellent and over 30 per cent as very good. Areas that showed most improvement were opening hours and appointment times.Read the survey here

  • News

    Reduced government funding leads to significant drop in smoking cessation efforts, FOI figures show


    A 41 per cent cut in Department of Health funding for smoking cessation advertising last year was accompanied by a marked drop in the numbers of quitters, figures obtained by HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    DoH rejig indicates future direction of policy


    After many tremors below the surface, the detail of the restructuring of the Department of Health has emerged this week. NHS chief executive David Nicholson has created a new NHS leadership team, with new posts, and some clear water from the rest of the department (read news item on Nicholson's ...

  • News

    Final fitness for purpose results name at-risk PCTs


    Cumbria and Western Cheshire primary care trusts are at the greatest risk of being unable to meet baseline performance goals in the next six to 12 months, according to the third and final wave of primary care fitness for purpose results.

  • Comment

    1997 and all that: Blair remembered


    The NHS has transformed remarkably since Tony Blair entered Number 10 in May 1997, reinvigorating a struggling monolith with record investment.

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    David Nicholson on service transformation


    'We can only deliver genuine transformation of health care services if our staff understand what we are trying to do'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Provider service specifications


    The Commissioning from Foundation Trusts Network requested examples of service specs for primary care trust.provider services or other documentation that might help to develop service specifications from a PCT perspective.

  • News

    Pharmacy pages added to NHS Networks website


    The latest addition to the NHS Networks Resources section is a subsection on pharmacy.

  • News

    Local Hospitals Network conference success


    The inaugural conference of the Local Hospitals Network, The Future of Local Hospitals: Our greatest challenge?.was held in London on 21 March 2007. All the presentations are available to download from the conference page.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New network supporting refugee healthcare professionals


    The Reachout Network is a newly formed, UK-wide network for people working to improve support for refugee healthcare professionals. A variety of projects will exist around the country and the network aims to bring together all working in the field.

  • News

    PCTs asked to check web info


    Primary care trust chief executives are being asked to check health service information on the NHS website ahead of the launch of a new online resource. The NHS Choices website will be launched on 11 June. Web editors are being asked to check that information about GP, dental, pharmacy ...

  • News

    BMA offers practice-based commissioning support to PCTs


    The British Medical Association GPs committee has drafted a model letter for GPs to send to primary care trusts that they believe are not providing sufficient support for them to engage in practice-based commissioning. The letter, which lists practice entitlements and PCT responsibilities, has been sent to local medical ...

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    Community foundations set for pilots, but names under wraps


    Pilot community foundation trusts are being considered by the Department of Health, with the aim of the first one going live by the end of 2008, although the DoH will not confirm who is on the list.

  • News

    DoH launches national special interest framework


    A national accreditation framework for GPs and pharmacists with special interests has been launched by the Department of Health. It aims to ensure standards of care in the community are equivalent to those in the acute sector.

  • News

    Cash-strapped contraceptive services plead for a target


    Contraceptive services are struggling as PCTs direct budgets to the GUM target. Family planning needs a target of its own, reports Helen Mooney

  • News

    NHS Alliance gives appointments advice


    The NHS Alliance has provided advice to the NHS Appointments Commission on good practice in primary care trust non-executive director appointments.The alliance's recommendations have been prepared by the NED Network national steering committee and are based on a survey of NEDs, including those who were not reappointed after last year's ...

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    David Moon on resource efficiency in construction projects


    Over the past few years, trusts have placed growing pressure on contractors to improve their sustainability credentials and significant progress towards setting minimum requirements for recycled content in the health sector has already been made.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: community hospitals and LIFT


    One of the keys to success of the community hospital.programme will be the development of sustainable partnerships, both within local NHS and local authority communities and also with innovative GPs and other private and voluntary sector providers