Primary Care – Page 270

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    Andrew Jones on aligning incentives


    'After a few cycles in the policy washing machine, you would have thought we would all have come out looking the same colour and trying to iron out the same creases'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improved Information Centre website


    What's in store on the revamped Information Centre website

  • News

    National head and neck cancer audit


    The second annual head and neck cancer audit report will include information on the treatment of over 1,400 people. For the first time it includes data from Wales as well as England.

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    Adrian Ashurst on making a real difference


    'In order to make a real difference, managers and staff need to make a personal commitment to their customers. It is worth remembering that we are all customers - we should be prepared to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.'

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    Whitehall shake-out rumbles more change


    'The DoH will not comment on whether posts such as director-general of commissioning will disappear rather than be filled, but is it likely that much of the spate of high-profile leavers, so far and to come, is part of a coming restructuring.'

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    Pioneers race on but progress is measured by the backmarkers


    'It is notable that not one of the 13 early achiever sites comes from NHS London or NHS East of England'

  • News

    PCTs delayed on audiology contract


    An audiology contract has been delayed indefinitely because the provider has not been able to sign off quality and safety guarantees with the Department of Health, HSJ has learnt.

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    Dentists calls for contract overhaul


    The British Dental Association has demanded an urgent response from the government to the overwhelming consensus that its NHS dentistry reforms are failing.In a letter to chief dental officer for England Barry Cockcroft, BDA general dental practice committee chair Lester Ellman cites the weight of evidence against the new contract ...

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    BMA releases business guidance for GPs


    The British Medical Association GPs committee has published guidance to help GPs take 'tough, business-minded decisions' to minimise the effect of rising expenses on both their practices and patient services.The 20-page document is called Safeguarding patient services, maintaining

  • News

    Social enterprise schemes discover funding allocations


    Social enterprise schemes will today discover their share of £1.4m of national funding, made available by care services minister Ivan Lewis.The 26 schemes from across England will receive Department of Health funding towards start-up costs, plus wider support such as training, to help them lead the way in delivering community ...

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    Government publishes obesity toolkit


    An obesity toolkit containing practical tips and information has been launched by the Department of Health to help people improve their health.With almost a quarter of the adult population now classified as obese and with the proportion of obese children rising by more than 40 per cent from 1995-2004, the ...

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    Final report for Barrow Legionella outbreak


    The Health and Safety Executive has published the final report into the Barrow Legionella outbreak.The report calls for adherence to sensible risk management, and will appear on the HSE website.Find out more here

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    Selbie seconded to acute trust


    Duncan Selbie, director general for commissioning at the Department for Health, will go on secondment this summer as chief executive of an acute trust.The DoH will announce plans to fill the director general commissioning post at a later date.

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    New guidance on youth-friendly services


    Guidance from the Department for Health has set out principles designed to help health services become young people friendly.The You're Welcome criteria covers areas to be considered by commissioners and providers of health services.Read the guidelines here

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    Increased choice for maternity care


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced that by the end of 2009 all women will have a choice of maternity care, including the choice of a home birth. She made the pledge in the new Department of Health document Maternity Matters: choice, access and continuity of care in a safe ...

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    Contract job


    Trusts entering into commissioning contracts with one another need to keep their eyes on the ball. John Deffenbaugh has a few words of caution

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    Best practice: lessons from one of the UK's biggest consultations


    A six-year consultation with 3.1 million residents of Greater Manchester and beyond, on maternal, children's and neonatal services, a rich source of learning on how to involve the public in.complex and difficult decisions

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Single web page for health and social care information


    This is a new page in the resources section of the NHS Networks website.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Trust, Assurance and Safety - the reaction


    This link provides a round-up of 15 responses to the white paper Trust, Assurance and Safety - the regulation of health professionals, published by the British Medical Association, royal colleges and other major health organisations.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How pharmacists are getting to know each other


    A report by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has identified strong networks of groups.