Primary Care – Page 276

  • News

    Health and Social Care Awards winners named


    Twelve teams from NHS and social care organisations across England picked up prizes at the 2006 Health and Social Care Awards on Monday.The winners were chosen from more than 1,500 entrants whose innovation and ideas with others in the health and social care field was

  • News

    Smoking cessation statistics released


    The Information Centre for health and social care has released statistics on NHS stop smoking services in England for April to September 2006.It has also released General Practices Quality and Outcomes Framework 2005-06: exception reporting summaries for England and community care statistics for 2005-06.Read more here

  • News

    Committee sets audiology inquiry date


    The health select committee has given a date for an evidence session into audiology services in England.The session will be held on 8 March. Witnesses include the Royal National Institute for the Deaf, health minister Ivan Lewis and hearing aid firm Ultravox.

  • News

    Government calls for discussions on happy workplaces


    The Department for Work and Pensions has called on businesses, government and charities to discuss and agree what constitutes 'good work' and ensure workplaces are happy, healthy and productive.Work and pensions minister Lord McKenzie this morning opened the first in a series of events which will inform and develop a ...

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    Hepatitis C campaign launched


    An campaign has been launched to promote awareness of the infectious viral disease hepatitis C.The campaign is targeted at an estimated 250,000 people in the UK who are unaware they have been infected with the disease.Read more on the campaign here

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    Dental association fears white paper will undermine confidence


    The British Dental Association has expressed its disappointment at a number of proposals published in the white paper Trust, Assurance and Safety - the regulation of health professionals in the 21st century.The BDA is concerned that changes to the membership of the General Dental Council may undermine the profession's confidence ...

  • News

    Cold and flu campaign launched


    The Department of Health has launched the 'coughs and sneezes spread diseases' campaign to remind people that simple steps can help stop the spread of colds and flu.The campaign covers simple messages such as reminding people to cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.Read the ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Admissable evidence


    A study of a pilot has found the effectiveness of case management is being limited. Martin Roland and Ruth Boaden report

  • News

    Alliance chair joins cancer board


    NHS Alliance chair Dr Michael Dixon has been appointed to the new cancer reform strategy board.Dr Dixon said he aimed to 'breaking down the barriers' between care pathways across secondary and primary care.

  • News

    Gender equality guidance published


    The Department of Health and NHS Employers have published best practice guidance on how NHS organisations can develop a gender equality scheme.Trusts will need to comply with a new gender equality duty in April that requires public sector organisations as employers and service providers to show they treat men and ...

  • News

    Government announces £54.3m drug and alcohol funding


    The government has allocated £54.3m in capital funding to improve inpatient and residential drug and alcohol facilities.The successful bids for funding include provision for women-only facilities, people with disabilities and those from black and minority ethnic communities.Read the press release here

  • News

    Partnership agreement for joint working agreed


    The government, NHS Employers and unions have signed a partnership agreement to show their collective commitment to joint working.The Department of Health said the new agreement would provide a 'springboard' to promote effective partnership on the workforce implications of policy.Find out more here

  • News

    Institute launches new No Delays Achiever


    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has launched an improved second version of its No Delays Achiever, a web-based tool created to help NHS organisations achieve the 18-week target for GP referral to first treatment.More than 140 NHS organisations are registered as users of the free service, which was ...

  • News

    Poll finds low awareness of choice options


    Public awareness of the ability to choose a hospital for a referral remains relatively low, although more patients say they are being offered choice and four in five of those are happy with the process, according to a poll by Ipsos MORI.The results of the September 2006 national patient choice ...

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    King's Fund identifies key NHS challenges


    The NHS needs to overcome five key challenges to create a viable, long-term future when lower growth in funding kicks in from 2008, according to the King's Fund.Its report, Funding Healthcare: 2008 and beyond, says the government must take action to reduce variation in performance and clinical practice in the ...

  • News

    Conservatives hit out over London deficit


    Conservatives in the London Assembly have said the extent of the continuing crisis in the NHS has been revealed by the latest financial figures.They point to new figures from the Department of Health, which show that the NHS in London is still heading for an overall end-of-year deficit of £125m.Find ...

  • News

    Historic changes to pharmacy profession


    The chief pharmaceutical officers from England, Scotland, and Wales have revealed plans for historic changes to the regulation of the pharmacy profession.The measures, which form part of the white paper on professional regulation, will see the formation of two separate bodies to oversee pharmacy. One organisation will act as a ...

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    PCT ditches two private hospitals over costs


    A primary care trust has removed the choice of two local private sector hospitals from its choose and book list because it says it was paying too much for their services, HSJ has learned.

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    Group aims to get GPs talking


    A scheme to allow GPs to talk directly with their local acute trust will hold its first meeting next week.

  • Comment

    Breaking even must not mean trusts losing focus on money


    The NHS should manage to hit its forecast position of a small surplus at the end of this year, according to this week's Department of Health figures. Not that it will be thanked or even believed. Within a few hours of the report being released on Tuesday, the protests began ...