Primary Care – Page 278

  • News

    Trusts poach sexual health funding


    Funds which should have gone to sexual health have been diverted elsewhere in almost two-thirds of primary care trusts, according to a survey by the Terrence Higgins Trust.

  • News

    'Exceptional circumstance' clause for PCT outsourcing


    Primary care trusts will only be able to outsource all of their commissioning expertise in 'exceptional circumstances', with plans to be signed off by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Slow fall on infant mortality


    Infant mortality rates are falling more slowly in poorer areas than in less deprived ones, according to a Department of Health report.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: can non-NHS bodies access the NHS pension scheme?


    Our legal experts guide you through the pension implications for companies taking on NHS services

  • News

    If not now, when? Taking action on alcohol


    The time is ripe for developing strategic steps to tackle the havoc wreaked by alcohol misuse, says Libby Ranzetta

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to optimise weight management interventions


    With early deaths from obesity set to overtake those from smoking, a primary care service encouraging patients to address their weight is achieving measurable results

  • Comment

    Peter Penson on one way to cut the NHS drugs budget


    In recent months, the media has reported numerous cases of patients campaigning to be given expensive anti-cancer drugs such as Herceptin by the NHS despite a lack of NICE approval. Difficult decisions must be made about how money should be spent and where economies can be made.

  • Comment

    David Peat on choice


    I suppose it's a generation thing. Choice, that is. And come to think of it, consumer power in general.

  • Comment

    Criticism of Dr Foster JV masks the real story about poor data


    The National Audit Office report on the Department of Health joint venture with health information provider Dr Foster does little to combat the notion that government is still feeling its way when doing deals with private companies.

  • News

    GPs to face tougher tests on surgery


    The government is to publish national standards for minor surgery carried out in primary care.

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    Government warns PCTs over dentistry capacity


    Patients may have to resort to emergency care, or find an alternative practice, because their dentists have fulfilled their annual contracts too soon.

  • News

    SHA pays £2m for firm to size up PCT commissioning


    South Central strategic health authority has called in turnaround specialists PricewaterhouseCoopers to assess whether its nine primary care trusts should contract out their commissioning functions to the private sector.

  • News

    BMA warns on prison healthcare


    The British Medical Association says that 'incoherent government policy and inadequate funding' is creating a crisis in the prison healthcare system.At a BMA conference on prison health today, its civil and public services committee will call on ministers to address a range of problems undermining health service provision in prisons.Committee ...

  • News

    Demand management at odds with choose and book


    Bedford Hospital is rejecting GP referrals not made through choose and book in an attempt to manage demand for its services, according to local GP representatives.The trust's decision mirrors that of Milton Keynes primary care trust, which recently told GPs that all referrals to Milton Keynes General Hospital must be ...

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    Draft cancer care measures out for consultation


    A second draft version of Cancer Research Network Measureshas been issued by the Department of Health for a three month consultation.It intends to add the measures to the Manual for Cancer Service 2004. The ...

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    Bigger and clearer cigarette warnings more effective


    Research part funded by Cancer research UK has found bigger and clearer health warnings on cigarette packs are more likely to help people quite smoking.Graphic images were found to be more effective still.

  • News

    Inquiry into electronic patient record launched


    The Commons health select committee is to hold an inquiry into the electronic patient record, looking at what patient information will be held on the systems, who will have access to it and whether patient confidentiality can be protected.Organisations and individuals are invited to submit written evidence.Find out more here

  • News

    Dr Foster Intelligence not value for money, says report


    The National Audit Office has found that the Department of Health and the Information Centre for health and social care could not demonstrate they had achieved value for money in setting up healthcare information analysts Dr Foster Intelligence - because the venture was not put out to tender to ensure ...

  • News

    Changes proposed for children's and maternity services


    National director for children, young people and maternity services Dr Sheila Shribman has published reports setting out proposed changes to children's and maternity services.The reports Making it Better for Children and Young people - clinical case for changeand ...

  • News

    Primary care modernisation money released


    Capital funding worth £382m will be given to primary care trusts to modernise buildings and equipment.The Department of Health said the funding was a 30 per cent increase on last year's allocation.Read details here