Primary Care – Page 285

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    Martin Pearson on warm glows and icy winds


    'Directors and managers of today's organisations need to recognise that they are there not only to create cost-efficient and financially successful health businesses but also to lead services in a way that saves the world from further degradation and climate chaos'

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    Every GP practice to get kitemark rating


    Every GP surgery is to be rated from next year under a kitemark scheme backed by the Department of Health.

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    Inside track: public health


    What's on managers' minds this week

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    GP star-rating talks called off over fears of misuse


    Any system of 'star-ratings' for GPs now looks unlikely after the Royal College of GPs broke off talks with the government over the proposals.

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    DoH opts out of traffic light rating for PCTs


    The Department of Health has decided not to give primary care trusts an overall traffic-light rating at the end of fitness for purpose assessments.

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    Test strip price cut is 'step back' in diabetes care


    People with diabetes could suffer if the Department of Health goes ahead with planned cuts in the prices for glucose testing strips, an industry body has warned.

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    Central procurement to fill GP gaps


    The government is to take control of the majority of procurements for GP services in 30 under-doctored areas in England, HSJ has learned.

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    DoH invites private bids for PCT management


    Scores of private consultancy and insurance firms are vying to win a place on a list of companies government-sanctioned to manage commissioning for primary care trusts.

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    Audit Commission and NAO calls for debt bail-outs


    Ministers should reconsider their decision not to bail out trusts with historic deficits, a report by the Audit Commission and National Audit Office has recommended.

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    Demand management 'not a panacea'


    The NHS risks 'pinning too much' on the financial gains of demand management, a leading voice in primary care has warned.

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    Some trusts will stay in red, MPs warn


    Some NHS trusts will never get back into financial balance, one of the government's turnaround advisers has admitted.

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    Chair quits over private power


    A primary care trust chair has resigned in protest at the increasing role of the private sector in the NHS. Rochdale PCT chair Debbie Abrahams spoke to HSJ after her announcement at a public demonstration in Manchester.

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    LIFT eight times more expensive, MPs told


    Primary care trusts are paying up to eight times as much per patient for GP surgeries built by local improvement finance trusts, a report from the Commons public accounts committee has found.

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    DoH says avoid public health redundancies


    The Department of Health has decreed that 'all reasonable steps' should be taken to avoid making primary care trust public health directors redundant to enable the NHS to retain their specialist knowledge.

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    Lord Warner: PCT commissioning advert blunder 'only human'


    Health minister Lord Warner has labelled his department's hurried withdrawal of an advertisement to contract out primary care trust management services as 'unfortunate' ' but stood by the government's assertion of the need to bring in private sector commissioning experience.

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    PCTs oppose Manchester maternity shake-up


    Plans for a shake-up of children's and maternity services in Manchester are under fire because one corner of the city could be left without inpatient services.

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    Charity should be 'hard-wired' to reform


    Charities and not-for-profit healthcare organisations need to be 'hard-wired' to the government's 'ongoing reform programmes', a government taskforce has said.

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    Tender rules loosened for commissioners


    Practice-based commissioners will not have go out to open tender 'in many cases' when switching where they send patients, the government's guidance on commissioning was expected to rule today.

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    Service 'collapse' warning


    The clinical director of a sexual health service has warned that it is on the brink of collapse because of spending cuts.

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    Inside track: primary care


    Lack of jobs, money and clarity on reform are the main ingredients of primary care trust managers' daily grind at the moment. It hardly makes an attractive package. One PCT senior manager told Inside Track that they are moving sector after a career in primary care, because they are 'buggered ...