Primary Care – Page 288

  • News

    Learn from complaints, trusts told


    Concerns about GP clinical treatment and care surrounding hospital deaths are the recurring themes of thousands of complaints sent to the Healthcare Commission.

  • News

    Operating framework: concerns over missed targets


    The operating framework 2007-08 identifies some concerns about NHS targets - in particular, missed mental health targets and risks around the 18-week referral-to-treatment target.

  • News

    Operating framework: PCTs to assess services


    All primary care trusts will have to conduct a service review programme next year to examine the services they commission.

  • News

    NHS and politics inseparable, says PM adviser


    An NHS independent of politics and politicians is 'a chimera' and risks undermining its tax-funded base, Professor Paul Corrigan, health adviser to the prime minister, told a King's Fund debate last week.

  • News

    Media Watch


    The Department of Health is the second worst-performing government department, The Times told its readers at the weekend. It reported that the review by business leaders and public sector chiefs commissioned by cabinet secretary Sir Gus O'Donnell was damning about the DoH's 'lack of direction'.

  • Comment

    Media Watch


    Given the arrival of a new prime minister and health secretary, most papers offered their advice to Gordon Brown and Alan Johnson.

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    Media Watch


    'A Sunday Times.article quoted a survey commissioned by health insurer BUPA, which found 55 per cent of senior doctors pay for medical insurance'

  • News

    Media Watch


    'The Daily Express claimed nurses were 'close to working to rule', saying: 'The move comes after nurses in England were denied the full 2.5 per cent pay rise given to colleagues in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for doing exactly the same work''

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    Media Watch


    News emerged over the weekend that the 'inflexible' hours of GP surgeries were costing the economy an estimated £1bn a year.

  • Comment

    Early learning is key weapon in obesity war


    Concerns are mounting over rising obesity, but is enough being done to slim down the problem, asks Liz Kendall

  • Comment

    Media Watch


    'As junior doctors struggle to find work The Sunday Times claimed that the Department of Health survey on GP workload would show that family doctors were earning more and working less'

  • News

    Bupa pulls out of South East diagnostics deal


    Bupa has pulled out of a contract with the Department of Health to provide NHS diagnostic services across the South East, HSJ has learned.

  • News

    News analysis: Signs of the times - will people power deliver accountability?


    Anobligation on PCTs to respond to community views - and protests - about NHS services is one of the most significant aspects of the new commissioning framework. But how might this work in practice? Daloni Carlisle petitions stakeholders for their views

  • News

    Local government white paper: Confed urges caution over restructuring


    Any changes to local authority boundaries under the local government white paper should be considered very carefully, the NHS Confederation has warned.

  • News

    Adolescent services: reaching out to young people


    We began offering assessment and intensive treatment in the home, GP surgery, school or even a cafe

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety: making the most of an incident


    Reporting of patient safety incidents in Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire primary care trusts has been relatively low. An incident learning group, formed in 2004, brings together clinicians and managers to review incident reports, formal complaints and patient advice and liaison services data. Discussion enables common themes and areas of ...

  • Comment

    Michael White on politics


    Halfway through the Queen's Speech debate's NHS segment, Judy Mallaber, former Unison researcher and now Labour MP for Amber Valley, shamed us all by diverting from local UK problems to those of the Democratic Republic of the Congo whose recent elections the MP had helped to monitor for fairness.

  • News

    Media watch


    So we're at last going to see an end to junk food advertising aimed at children. And with the announcement came the expected outcry from companies that make their money selling bad food to kids, as well as health professionals who say the new rules will not go far enough.

  • Comment

    HSJ debate: So you want to be a director?


    HSJ 'Managers make a difference' Campaign: Whether it's the art of fostering effective relationships with clinicians, non-executives and politicians or demonstrating empathy with staff, what does the next generation of high-quality managers need? HSJ brought together six chief executives to provide some answers

  • Comment

    Kaiser beacons shine light on NHS practice


    A little like 'golden generation' of English footballers', the phrase Kaiser Permanente has all but disappeared from the health policy lexicon as a byword for innovation.