Primary Care – Page 290

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    Simon Stevens on winning hearts and minds


    'NHS targets have not yet been tough enough (yes you read that right) to alter public perception'

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    The age of uncertainty: new Audit Commission chair speaks out


    New Audit Commission chair Michael O'Higgins has a lot on his plate as he waits for the health regulatory review and oversees the transition to a new inspection era ushered in by the local government white paper

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    'My local supermarket does not call me an inappropriate shopper - ever'

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    Patient and public involvement: clear water must flow into the goldfish bowl


    Looking for a place to hide? Try the massed ranks of organisations currently holding the NHS to account. Jessica Crowe suggests clarity lies in resolving what it is accountability structures should be delivering

  • News

    Patients' memory of offer of choice


    It has been nearly a year since choice at the point of referral to hospital by GP was to be formally offered to all patients. Are the poor now getting the choices that have always been available to the rich (to paraphrase former health secretary John Reid)? And through their ...

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    Increased activity may put bright future at risk


    While health service investment has soared, the pressure on organisations to secure financial control may be driving down productivity. Peter Smith unravels the paradox

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    Barometer: PCTs January 2007


    The latest Barometer survey of primary care trust chief executives showed growing confidence in negotiating power with acute providers, with the indicator score up again to 6.88 out of 10.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Power of two


    A new bill will oblige councils and primary care trusts to work together. In a joint feature with Local Government Chronicle, Kaye McIntosh asks how it will work in practice

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The Fall Guys: staff safety is a major concern


    Violence against NHS staff is still at unacceptable levels, with incidents often unreported and perpetrators uncharged. Emma Dent reports

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    A different kind of revolution


    Northern Ireland's streamlining of its public sector promised to be a less brutal process than England's. But some big holes in performance measurement brought challenges of its own, writes Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sea change in health scrutiny


    As the future of health scrutiny grows increasingly complex, healthcare professionals and local government must ride the wave and forge new relationships, reports Sasha Strong

  • News

    Pilots lead way in new era of high-tech 'telecare' at home


    Three primary care trusts will be chosen next month to deliver hardware worth thousands of pounds to the homes of patients with long-term conditions, according to Department of Health head of primary care Gary Belfield.

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    Helpline aims for foundation trust status


    NHS Direct has become a trust under the Department of Health's review of arm's-length bodies.

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    DoH to address lack of detail in commissioning framework


    There could be problems with the 'nuts and bolts', of the new commissioning framework for health and well-being, according to the man responsible for its introduction.

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    Nottingham PCT chief starts Pfizer secondment-


    Nottingham City primary care trust chief executive Samantha Milbank has joined Pfizer Health Solutions on secondment as head of business development.

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    Patient top-up fees on rise, say doctors


    Patients are increasingly having to pay top-up fees for private care because of budget cuts in the NHS and long waiting times, according to a report by pressure group Doctors for Reform.

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    DoH: public health must 'focus on outcomes'


    NHS public health professionals must become effective commissioners and beef up their analytical skills if new joint strategic needs assessment work alongside local government is to be effective.

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    Charity calls for urgent action on hepatitis C


    Primary care trusts must invest more and improve co-ordination with local genito-urinary and hospital hepatology clinics if they are to hit government targets, managers have been told.

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    SHAs to review need for PCT top-slicing


    NHS North West is the first strategic health authority to confirm that it will not top-slice money from primary care trusts this financial year.

  • Simon Stevens

    Simon Stevens on Brown's opening salvo


    ‘Mr Brown has chosen an issue that explicitly requires him to choose sides: patients v professionals’