Primary Care – Page 304

  • News

    Patients allowed to opt out of care records service


    Patients will have the right to opt out of having their information shared through the NHS care records service, health minister Lord Warner told HSJ's Demystifying the National Programme for IT conference yesterday.Under the government implied consent model, those who do not opt out will be deemed to have given ...

  • News

    Hewitt calls for alcopops tax hike


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has written to chancellor Gordon Brown asking for an increase in taxes on alcopops and other drinks favoured by teenagers to curb binge drinking.Earlier this month Ms Hewitt launched the 'Know Your Limits' campaign against excessive drinking in the under-25 age group. In June, the Information ...

  • News

    Government responds to report on ITCs


    The government has published its response to the Commons health select committee's report on independent treatment centres.The committee's report criticised the role of ITCs and said their performance had been variable.In its response the Department of Health has promised to provide more information to patients on which to base their ...

  • News

    New pay-off packages to reflect length of service


    New redundancy and retirement packages based on length of service rather than age have been agreed by the Department of Health.

  • News

    Inappropriate admissions: guidance to urge 12.5pc cut


    The prime minister's delivery unit is taking a key role in shaping 'crisp' new guidance for primary care trusts to reduce inappropriate hospital admissions and save over £1.4bn a year.

  • News

    PbR 'fundamentally flawed' says coding chief


    The current system of payment by results is 'fundamentally flawed and unacceptable' the head of the Professional Association of Clinical Coders warned last week.

  • News

    Call to scrap funding formula


    The NHS funding formula is based on an untested scientific premise and should be scrapped, the chief economic advisor to the Department of Health was told last week.

  • News

    PCT to lose 90 posts in £29m cuts plan


    A primary care trust has announced plans to cut up to 90 jobs in response to the Department of Health requirement to balance its books within one financial year.

  • News

    DoH publishes new smoking cessation figures


    The Department of Health has published the latest quarterly statistics on access to smoking cessation services. It shows Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire strategic health authority had the highest proportion of successful quitters (63 per cent) while Cheshire and Merseyside SHA reported the lowest (41 per cent). ...

  • News

    Efficiency savings costed at £2.2bn


    The Department of Health is to expand the number of productivity indicators on which trusts are compared as the first set of figures revealed the NHS could save £2.2bn a year if it improved its efficiency.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal Briefing: resolving payment disputes between PCTs and foundation trusts


    As the NHS becomes accustomed to the legally-binding contracts between primary care trusts and foundation trusts, the main pressure points are beginning to emerge.

  • Comment

    Efficiency indicators do not tell the story behind the numbers


    The comprehensive spending review is no longer the distant event it once seemed - the coming financial squeeze makes a numbers game out of the next 18 months or so.

  • Comment

    An online service tailored to your needs


    This week, HSJgets personal. Today we have launched a new online service free to registered users of the website, designed to bring you the most relevant content direct to your desktop.

  • News

    Warner: PCT consultations 'pretty inept'


    Primary care trusts have been criticised by government ministers and opposition MPs for sparking public protests by their handling of reconfigurations.

  • News

    News analysis: time to give PECs the muscle to make a real difference


    Professional executive committees have been weighed down by corporate affairs and unable to influence strategy and clinical design, so the DoH's decision to review them has been widely welcomed. But what will the new PECs look like? Daloni Carlisle finds out

  • News

    Community petitions: threshold options revealed in DoH paper


    Details of the way 'community petitions' could be used to trigger formal service reviews have been revealed in a Department of Health paper.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Major research initiative launched for policy makers and managers


    The Health Foundation's five-year, £2.5m QQUIP research initiative to help healthcare policy makers, managers, clinicians, researchers and patient groups to better understand and make informed decisions about how to improve healthcare quality will go online next month.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Research shows how patient involvement can improve healthcare quality


    Involve the patient for better health outcomes and efficiency. That's the strategy suggested by new research from the Health Foundation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Identifying 'ghost' patients in residential and nursing homes


    There are plenty of methodologies for systematically validating list of patients registered with primary care trusts to identify 'ghost' patients - those who no longer live at their recorded address or do not exist.

  • News

    West Midlands chiefs named


    HSJ introduces eight new primary care trust chief executives appointed by NHS West Midlands