Primary Care – Page 70

  • Dave West
    Expert Briefing

    The Commissioner: Let's hold hands


    What NHS England isn’t telling you, and more indispensable weekly insight for commissioners, by Dave West

  • David_Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What's New in Care Models: A detailed look at PACS


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by our senior correspondent on integration David Williams.

  • Mobile phone
    HSJ Local

    111 provider told to improve just weeks into five year contract


    PERFORMANCE: The provider of the largest 111 contract in the country has been issued an “improvement notice” by commissioners, just weeks into a five year deal.

  • Bw73 hsj congress

    Value in Healthcare Congress focuses on the NHS’s 'real world' challenges


    Download an exclusive case study on digital solutions to transforming care The attendance at the Value in Healthcare Congress would constitute a significant investment in the learning and development of NHS leaders.

  • David Williams
    Expert Briefing

    What's New in Care Models: Measuring success (or otherwise)


    Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by our senior correspondent on integration David Williams.

  • Blood pressure

    NHS England accused of 'lots of talk but no action' on evolving primary care


    Chief executive of large GP federation says NHS England is doing “nothing” to develop “at scale” primary care David Pannell says there is “lots of talk but no action” on encouraging federations and networks through contract changes Voluntary multispecialty community provider contract for 2017 “not ambitious enough” The ...

  • News

    Mapped: 15 primary care ‘rapid test sites’ get new care models cash


    NHS England’s new care models team to provide pilots with £500,000 Primary Care Home model aims to spread multispecialty community provider type models across the country Fifteen “rapid test sites” to launch in shadow form in April NHS England’s new care models team has provided £500,000 to 15 ...

  • Community services care worker elderly woman patient
    HSJ Local

    'Unsettling period' for community services trust losing £24m contract


    East Cheshire Trust is to lose a £24m contract for community services from October after commissioners served notice on the trust, HSJ can reveal.

  • GP doctor

    GP federation could create a ‘super partnership’ covering 540,000 patients


    Suffolk GP Federation, which covers 540,000 patients, explores options on becoming a super partnership Chief executive says move could give more support to 61 practices, but choice is for practices The federation is “neutral” on what change is best One of the country’s largest GP federations is consulting ...

  • GP_doctor5

    CCGs to be paid for improving GP appointment access


    Incentive scheme for CCGs introduces two national measures around GP services One payment triggered if 85 per cent of GP patient survey respondents say they “had a good experience of making an appointment” Payments linked to mental health improvements dropped, including around quality of life and waiting times for ...

  • Doctor prescribing
    HSJ Local

    CCGs mull 'ban' on third party drug ordering


    Clinical commissioning groups in south Staffordshire are considering a clampdown on community pharmacies ordering prescriptions on behalf of their patients, following a spike in spending on prescription items.

  • Waiting room

    Government 'complacent' about future of general practice, warn MPs


    DH and NHS England have been ‘complacent’ about GP capacity, MPs warn Older, white, affluent patients get better GP access than anyone else, report finds MPs have accused the Department of Health and NHS England of being “complacent” about the ability of general practice to cope with increased ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lessons from transforming 10,000 practices


    Why the UK should be looking at the patient centred medical home principles developed in the US

  • Surgical scissors

    New patient safety body to carry out 'no blame' investigations


    Evidence submitted to Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch could be protected to create a “safe space” for learning Mike Durkin says HSIB will rely on NHS Improvement for “pay and rations” HSIB will develop “exemplar model” of investigations for NHS organisations to follow locally The new body to examine ...

  • Barton Park

    Simon Stevens reveals first 10 'healthy new towns'


    Simon Stevens unveils 10 sites to be part of Healthy New Towns programme NHS England aims to “design in” health focused features, including fast food free zones near schools and dementia friendly streets Clinicians, designers and technology experts to shape care provision in each location NHS England chief ...

  • Paul Baumann

    NHS England finds £156m to help boost DH bottom line


    NHS England sets aside £156m of reserves and underspends to help boost DH bottom line This has driven an increase in its forecast underspend to £295m Prime minister’s access fund and primary care transformation fund are among programmes expected to underspend Move part of concerted national effort to prevent ...

  • Woman GP with child

    'Tens of millions' needed to develop GP leaders


    “Tens of millions” of pounds needs to be invested in leadership development for GPs at the helm of large scale provider groups, a senior NHS England official has said.

  • Cars

    Private provider considers ‘pop up’ urgent care centres


    Out of hours and urgent care provider Vocare could set up temporary urgent care centres Services could be provided from portable cabins and articulated lorries Chief executive says it has changed from community benefit society to limited company to attract investment A company which provides out of hours ...

  • Waiting room

    NHS England stands by decision to approve CCG for co-commissioning


    NHS England London defends process that saw Barnet CCG given more primary care commissioning powers CCG was authorised to do this, along with others in north London, a month after Verita report into conflicts of interest was completed NHS England says it “monitor issues like this closely” to ensure ...

  • Contract

    One per cent pay uplift in new GP contract


    GPs get 1 per cent pay rise as part of 2016-17 national contract Additional £220m of funding included in the agreement Practices will have to record data on availability of evening and weekend ‘routine’ appointments A deal announced today on the 2016-17 national GP contract includes a 1 ...