Primary Care – Page 71

  • Nursing home

    GPs may have been paid twice for care home work, whistleblower claimed


    Whistleblower claimed GPs could be paid twice for the same work in care homes Verita report found “no evidence” concerns were investigated after he was dismissed CCG had no idea what money was included in “retainer” payments from care homes GPs in Barnet may have been paid twice ...

  • GP
    HSJ Local

    CCG links extra GP funding to new standards


    CCG to link £2.4m of extra funding to new quality standards Individual practices are unlikely to meet the standards without some form of collaboration with others Borough’s LMC is broadly supportive of the project Commissioners in Salford will invest an extra £2.4m in primary medical care next year, ...

  • Waiting room
    HSJ Local

    Largest GP federation becomes social enterprise


    Largest GP federation becomes community interest company Alexin Healthcare formed in 2013 as company limited by shares Managing director says change in legal form should change commissioners’ perceptions COMMERCIAL: The country’s largest GP federation has changed its constitution to become a community interest company.

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    Virgin legal challenge forces CCG to row back primary care plans


    Hull CCG wants to create geographical groups of practices, each operating as larger scale providers HSJ understands initial plan to create the groups were challenged by Virgin Care There will now be a full procurement process for eight GP practices, grouped into four lots COMMERICAL: A legal challenge ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital
    HSJ Knowledge

    Unwarranted variation? NHS Right Care Programme helps


    Matthew Cripps and John Newton explain how the NHS Right Care model is designed to help drive service improvement and avoid unwarranted variation

  • Rebecca rosen 3x2

    Is it time for the NHS to have a ‘psychologist in residence’?


    The effort required to transform NHS care is often in reality a job too far for overworked NHS staff

  • GP and patient
    HSJ Local

    CCG to beef up conflict of interest prevention after whistleblower concerns


    COMMISSIONING: A clinical commissioning group has admitted its system for ensuring there was no conflict of interest in the commissioning of primary care services must be improved, HSJ can reveal.

  • Alex Wyke
    HSJ Knowledge

    Patient involvement: the devil is in the decisions


    Shared decision making is a worthy ideal but hard to do consistently. What makes it difficult and how can these barriers be removed, asked an HSJ roundtable. By Alison Moore

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    BMA to canvass GPs over 'mass resignation'


    GP representatives push BMA to survey willingness to sign undated resignation letters in protest at funding, workforce and regulatory grievances Call for “resilience teams” to be parachuted into practices that seek help with staffing shortages BMA conference votes to find “lawful” ways of disengaging with CQC inspections ...

  • Elderly woman in bed

    It is essential to halve delays in discharge


    Crispin Simon on what can be learnt from the private sector to reduce the chronic problem of delay in the discharge of patients.

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt: Families have 'too many choices' in urgent care


    Remarks follow a report into the death of a child from sepsis One-year old William Mead died following repeated contacts with GP, out of hours and NHS 111 services Hunt also pledges to review clinical cover in 111 services Jeremy Hunt has said there are “too many choices” ...

  • GP and child patient

    BMA leader sounds alarm over PM's new GP contract


    BMA GP leader raises concern about the potential for the planned new voluntary GP contract being time limited HSJ understands officials are still working to allay fears, including guaranteeing a right of return to previous contracts Other issues under discussion include indemnity costs, income from the contracts and range ...

  • Hospital Clock

    ‘Collapsing’ out of hours providers would get help, says Burt


    Minister says he has not seen evidence that outof hours providers are being squeezed by GP practices piloting extended opening hours Government would step in if services were affected by doctors choosing to work at pilot sites The government would step in to save GP out of hours ...

  • GP

    Primary care funding: the risers and fallers


    Four CCG areas will see primary care fund increase by more than 10 per cent Islington to get the largest increase next year Forty areas will see real terms cuts to their primary care budgets in 2017-18 Explore the data Four clinical commissioning group areas will see a ...

  • integration town hall

    Better care fund £1bn payment for performance scheme axed


    £1bn of pooled health and social care funding will no longer be subject to national rules Providers and commissioners instructed to produce plans to cut delayed transfers New “streamlined” assurance process for better care fund plans Changes welcomed by CCGs and councils Ministers have axed the £1bn payment ...

  • jonathan shapiro

    The unique role of general practice is being undermined


    If we really want joined up care, then GPs need to reclaim their position as the conductors of the healthcare orchestra. Dr Jonathan Shapiro writes

  • Steve Kell

    CQC fee rise would be 'detrimental' to patients


    NHS Clinical Commissioners says proposed CQC fee increases would be “detrimental to patients” Group says regulator should demonstrate its own “value for money” before hiking fees Claims increase could cost trusts seven band 5 nurses and “increase variation” in general practice NHS Clinical Commissioners has claimed that proposals ...

  • 2016 jpg

    The 21 questions the NHS must answer this year


    2016 is one of the NHS’s rare ‘years of opportunity’. The questions below will determine whether it is a success or failure

  • Medical tray with syringe, pills and water

    Exclusive: GP groups cover most of England but ‘lack ambition and priorities’


    Large scale GP provider groups operating in 82 per cent of England’s CCG areas There are 268 federations up and running, HSJ research suggests It is estimated that these organisations cover 41 million patients Four fifths of clinical commissioning groups have at least one large scale GP provider ...

  • Waiting room

    Analysis: Size, spread and form of large scale GP groups


    HSJ has collated the most comprehensive picture so far of England’s GP networks, federations and super practices.