All Primary care articles – Page 204

  • News

    Research points to benefits of individual social care budgets


    Independent research has concluded that individual social care budgets can 'greatly' improve the quality of life for carers, the government has said.

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    NHS South Central votes for water fluoridation


    The board of South Central strategic health authority has decided to add fluoride to the water supply in Southampton.Members of the board made the unanimous decision at a public meeting yesterday, following a consultation on the proposal.

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    PCT surplus figures were off by a fifth


    Accounting errors led to primary care trusts under-reporting their surpluses by 20 per cent last financial year, the Audit Commission has said.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    Measuring healthy eating


    If diets matched nutritional recommendations there could be 70,000 fewer deaths in the UK each year.

  • Leader

    NHS leaders: don't lose touch with your communities


    While there is near universal revulsion at the idea of merging primary care trusts in another reorganisation, joint working is gathering pace.

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    London GPs miss out on cash


    The British Medical Association's GPs committee has attacked NHS London for failing to ensure primary care trusts honour an agreement to pass on cash to practices.

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    Easy does it as NHS steps up to quality bat


    Central to the next stage review is the demand to improve services - and demonstrate it. So how are NHS organisations planning to measure quality and how long will funding hold out? Dave West finds out

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    Phil Hope announces national autism strategy


    Autism campaigners are claiming victory after care services minister Phil Hope announced a new national strategy and guidance for the condition.Mr Hope said a consultation on the strategy would begin in April, and the final document would be unveiled by the end of the year.

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    GPs do not understand eating disorders, charity claims


    Only 15 per cent of GPs understand eating disorders and know how to help someone with such a condition, according to a report by eating disorder charity Beat.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Tackling cancer inequalities in Liverpool


    The city branded a cancer capital is fighting back with a two pronged action plan

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    PCTs urged to promote dental helplines


    Primary care trusts must do more to promote telephone helplines for patients trying to find a dentist, the Citizen's Advice Bureau has said.

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    DH to embark on sick leave push


    The Department of Health is looking for organisations to take part in a pilot scheme aimed at getting people on sick leave back to work more quickly.

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    NHS top-up rules set for rewrite as fear of litigation mounts


    The government is expected to rewrite its guidance on implementing cancer czar Mike Richards' recommendations for top-up payments.Trusts have been observing the draft guidance since it was published in November.

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    Dementia strategy: high hopes but who will pay?


    The dementia strategy promises dedicated memory services in every town, but with only £150m over two years can primary care trusts afford the sophisticated teams this requires? Charlotte Santry reports

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    'Remarkable' PCT beats crisis


    The recovery of a primary care trust dogged by financial and performance failings has been dubbed 'remarkable'.Brent PCT was criticised for an 'arrogant and isolated' approach, 'serious failings' of corporate governance, 'very poor' financial oversight and creating a 'schism' between itself and its GPs, in a report published last year.

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    PCTs 'don't listen to charities'


    Commissioners are failing to involve local voluntary organisations in decisions about services, a survey suggests.

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    Out of hours provider to launch judicial review against PCT


    A GP out of hours provider is to issue judicial review proceedings against a primary care trust after it missed out on a contract to continue providing the services.

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    Liberal Democrats criticise government over liver transplants


    The Liberal Democrats have accused the government of 'sitting on their hands' instead of doing something to stem the increase in alcohol related liver disease.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Added values: improving learning disabilities services


    People with learning disabilities are entitled to the same high quality healthcare as other patients, but serious cases of abuse and neglect suggest the NHS is far from meeting its obligations. Kaye McIntosh reports on the work now under way to turn this around

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    New PCT provider chair in IT plea


    The new chairman of the NHS Confederation's primary care trust provider forum, Matthew Winn, has announced his arrival with a plea for better IT systems in the sector.