All Primary care articles – Page 207

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    Health inequalities in learning disabilities


    Essential changes to learning disabilities services will have knock-on benefits for many other patients, who will gain from better approaches to communication and delivery

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    Care Quality Commission could make SHAs redundant


    The NHS Confederation has called for a major rethink of strategic health authorities' roles in light of the new regulatory regime.

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    Low carbon NHS commissioning is the green ideal


    Home working, green travel and low carbon commissioning are set to feature in the NHS's first ever carbon reduction strategy.

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    Managers call for GP commissioning reforms


    NHS managers are showing signs of breaking with government policy by calling for a complete overhaul of practice based commissioning.

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    PCTs fail to back up maternity care drive


    Flagship government commitments to improve safety and choice of maternity services may be compromised in large parts of England.

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    NHS drug shortage looms as pound falls


    The NHS could face a shortage of drugs because the weak pound means speculators are targeting UK pharmaceutical supplies for export to more lucrative markets.Data obtained by HSJ shows there has also been a dramatic slowdown in imports of cut-price branded drugs into the UK.

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    Personal health budgets may spark tension between services


    Personal health budgets for patients to spend as they wish will radically change commissioners' roles, the NHS Confederation has warned.

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    HSJ talks to care services minister Phil Hope


    Care services minister Phil Hope promises his personal experience of the health service as a Hodgkin’s patient will mean service users are at the heart of his policies. Helen Crump finds out what’s on his to-do list. Plus, watch an exclusive video interview with Mr Hope

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    North Yorkshire and York PCT appoints new chief executive


    A primary care trust rated double weak by the Healthcare Commission has appointed a new chief executive.

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    Free prescriptions for cancer patients


    People being treated for cancer can now apply for free prescriptions. From 1 April, all prescriptions - not just those related to the cancer treatment - will be available to cancer patients at no charge.

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    New chief executive for Walsall PCT


    Denise McLellan is to become chief executive of Walsall primary care trust. She is due to join the organisation before April.

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    Wales launches weight management scheme for children


    A Welsh Assembly-funded programme to help obese children manage their weight will be rolled out across Wales from today, it has been announced.

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    Patient choice push for long-term conditions


    Commissioners should be promoting patient choice for people with long-term conditions, the Department of Health has advised.

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    Probe into learning disabilities deaths


    An independent confidential inquiry is to look at premature deaths of people with learning disabilities in NHS care, the government has announced.Health secretary Alan Johnson also said a public health observatory would be established to provide national and local-level data to support commissioning for people with learning disabilities.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS staff wellbeing: get fighting fit


    Attracting the best staff is essential to the success of the NHS - the next step is to keep them healthy. Julian Topping explains

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    Bill sets out personal health budget proposals


    A health bill setting out proposals to pilot personal budgets for patients has been published today by the Department of Health.Under measures laid out in the bill, payments would for the first time be handed directly to patients to give them greater control over their care.

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    DH publishes reactions to pharmacy consultation


    An analysis of responses to the Department of Health's proposals to improve pharmacy services has been published.

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    CV fraud: readers react to the story on


    "It is time that all chief executives, directors and associate directors should obtain a full accreditation and registration with a recognised professional body similar to the General Medical Council, General Dental Council etc before applying to any post at that level in the NHS. This is the only way to ...

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    CV lands lying manager in jail sparking wider fears on checks


    Two NHS managers have been sentenced in the space of a week for lying to get jobs - with one former primary care trust director jailed for three months.The cases have prompted concerns that trusts may regularly be failing to check credentials, raising the possibility of undiscovered fraud across the ...

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    Low hopes for dementia strategy as cash dries up


    Mental health experts who advised the government on the delayed dementia strategy are 'braced for disappointment' amid fears it is being substantially watered down due to the worsening economy.