All Primary care articles – Page 217

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    Lisa Rodrigues on the financial crisis and the NHS


    We live in strange and worrying times. As I write, another building society has been nationalised.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Focusing on health inequalities


    Bristol primary care trust is using an enhanced equality impact assessment to reduce health inequalities by transforming the way it allocates funds

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Advice for PCTs on managing provider arms


    Managing PCT provider arms is not a straightforward matter, as Jeremy Roper explains

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    NHS Alliance rallying cry for social enterprise


    The NHS Alliance has begun its annual conference in Bournemouth with a call to arms for the social enterprise movement.

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    Treasury eyes hidden PCT surpluses


    Increased demand for health services as recession bitesTwo-year timetable for service reconfiguration and investmentSurpluses vulnerable

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Widening gap in life expectancy


    Inequalities in health are a key concern for health policy in all five countries of the UK and Ireland.

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    Public LINks hit by delays in networking


    Public and patient involvement in health and social care has been seriously set back by widespread delay in establishing local involvement networks, a report claims.

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    City shockwaves threaten NHS budget


    Economists are warning this week's£38bn rescue plan for UK banks creates a "structural hole" in public finances that will make NHS funding cuts and claw-backs inevitable.The government has insisted the bank bail-out will not affect public finances. A senior Treasury source said there were no plans to revisit the commitments ...

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    GP practice fights PCT over branch surgery


    A GP practice is fighting a primary care trust, claiming it stopped its planned branch surgery because it would compete with another new practice.

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    Media Watch: binge drinking


    Unlike so much else in the past seven days, the value of a drink is on the way up. The Department of Health's next attempt to reduce binge drinking will include curbs on free samples and happy hours, according to press reports.

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    Foundations bear brunt of crisis


    £7.5m lost in Icelandic banking collapseFears over the safety of surpluses from Treasury claw-backsBut opportunities for vertical integration

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    Annual health check: quality leap sees PCTs drag behind


    More than half of NHS organisations are now providing excellent or good services, according to the third annual health check.But the annual assessment scores, published today by the Healthcare Commission, expose a widening gap between the performance of steadily improving trusts and floundering commissioners.The proportion offering excellent services has leapt ...

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    Annual health check case study: Salford


    Salford is the only primary care trust to achieve double excellent scores, having improved its quality rating from good last year.

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    Long Term Conditions Alliance faces merger


    Members of the Long Term Conditions Alliance were this week set to agree to merge with a new patient representation body.

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    West Sussex puts hospital plan on ice after backlash


    A hospital reconfiguration plan has been suspended two years after controversial plans were first floated.

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    Steve Feast on GPs as community leaders


    When I was a GP, I was always amazed by the degree to which people remembered and acted on my advice. Frequently, the advice sought was not obviously related to any of my medical training or education.

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    Maggie Rae on giving blood and glory


    Yes, it is my fault - I think I am to blame for our terrible weather over the summer. I supported the introduction of the national system to monitor the effects of excessive heat over the summer months.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Local community gets involved in NHS budgeting


    In the UK's first health-related participatory budgeting event, residents in Thornhill, Southampton were invited to vote on which health and well-being projects they thought would best meet the health needs of the community.

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    Media Watch: public health Jamie Oliver style


    When a celebrity ventures into the inhospitable terrain of public health, the results tend to be predictably cringe-inducing.

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    NHS could be sued under free market


    Plans to create a European Union free market in public healthcare could open the health service to legal challenges from patients demanding treatments that are not available in the UK.