All Primary care articles – Page 222

  • News

    Cervical cancer immunisation plans may exclude Muslim girls


    Muslim girls will be excluded from a national vaccination scheme against cervical cancer because it clashes with the holy month of Ramadan, religious leaders are warning.

  • News

    Top-up payment review highlights NHS bodies' worries


    Responses to the review of co-payments have revealed the extent of uncertainty about the way forward for the NHS on top-ups.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get happy: the secret to a healthy old age


    There is clear evidence older people benefit from preventive healthcare. For the fulfilled old age that people want, services must spot depression early and support good diet and mobility

  • News

    Accountancy firms win PCT board roles


    Three of the 'big four' accountancy firms have been selected to improve primary care trust boards' skills.KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young are all leading consortiums that have made successful bids to be on the Department of Health's new PCT board development framework.

  • Comment

    Gay Lee on the social care debate


    Nurses and social workers know it is impossible to tell where social care ends and healthcare begins. Yet they waste time, effort and money trying to prise them apart - because government policy says they must.

  • News

    Lansley boosts councils' role in public health


    Public health directors would have to report to local authorities under plans announced by the shadow health secretary last week.Andrew Lansley told an audience at the think tank Reform that the Conservatives now envisaged councils having an even greater role in improving public health.Outlining conclusions from the party's consultation on ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient involvement: parlez-vous health?


    Willingness to learn a few foreign phrases is helping a PCT get closer to its minority communities. Lynne Greenwood reports

  • Comment

    Paul Jennings on the commissioner-provider split


    It is just over two years since we began separating the commissioning and provider arms in Walsall teaching primary care trust.

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    Andrew Jones on achieving quality care


    Piloting the NHS towards quality requires robust regulation and inspection, and the DH has already set up overlapping organisations to provide this, presumably with a thinly spread budget. But if Lord Darzi's plan is to be accomplished, it will require action rather than rhetoric, and action requires funding.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NICE awards promote shared learning


    With the next stage review promoting quality over cost, now is the time to develop better ways of sharing best practice. As the closing date for the annual NICE awards nears, HSJ talks to last year's winners

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Measure the mix of interventions


    All primary care trusts must become world class by commissioning services that 'add life to years and years to life' and specifying the outcomes to be delivered.

  • News

    Probe calls for tariff for fertility services


    A Department of Health group probing inequalities in IVF provision is demanding a national tariff for fertility services.

  • News

    BMA presses Hart over primary care funding


    Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has been urged to ensure primary care is protected as the structure of the NHS in the country is reformed.

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    Huge contrasts found between UK nations


    Patients in the UK’s four nations have dramatically different experiences of the NHS, HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    Surrey is first to agree its integrated care proposals


    The first primary care trust to unveil its plans for an integrated care pilot has warned that commissioners will have to overcome existing 'anomalies' to make the initiative work.

  • News

    PCTs fight for local decision making on controversial drugs


    Primary care trusts must retain their right to decide whether patients receive controversial drugs in exceptional circumstances, PCT leaders have warned.

  • News

    Health gap between rich and poor areas narrows


    The quality and outcomes framework has reduced the link between low-income areas and poor primary healthcare, a study suggests.

  • Comment

    Stephen Ramsden on minding your language


    In a column last year I described the power of storytelling. Compelling stories touch hearts and minds in a way that logic and reason do not.

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    David Peat on hitting targets


    You know how it feels when you hit the target but miss the point?Well, a recent journey to address a health conference in Europe was, to my mind, the perfect example of this.

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    NICE chairman hits back at critics


    Some recent criticisms of NICE's work ignore the realities of modern healthcare and misrepresent the facts. Institute chairman Sir Michael Rawlins sets the record straight