All Primary care articles – Page 223

  • News

    Spring surge in GP referrals leaves managers mystified


    Referrals by GPs shot up in spring - putting extra pressure on trusts battling with December's 18-week referral to treatment target.

  • News

    PCT 'dragons' hunt fresh ideas


    Primary care trusts are attempting to spice up public health and recruitment initiatives by copying popular TV programmes.

  • Leader

    Young promises new regime will deliver speed and independence


    The language used by the chair of the Care Quality Commission in her interview with HSJ was typically clear, robust and ambitious.

  • News

    IT may change funding plans


    A new IT system could pave the way for a substantial change in the way primary care trusts and GPs are funded, HSJ has been told.

  • News

    Guilty by emission as carbon cuts loom large


    The NHS emits a million tonnes of carbon a year, but it must cut this figure drastically. Helen Crump asks whether trusts are giving this issue the priority it requires and highlights some innovative ideas.

  • News

    Sophia Christie on the Naomi Campbell effect


    At a recent House of Commons gathering to discuss the role of commissioning in delivering improvement, there was silence on the application of world class standards to the commissioning of primary care.

  • News

    Urgent call target triggers cash crisis


    Ambulance trusts are warning of financial problems caused by efforts to meet a target for response times to life-threatening emergency calls.

  • News

    PCTs suspect trusts may be allowing top ups


    Primary care trusts have received few requests from patients wishing to 'top up' their care but are concerned that hospitals are doing so without their permission.

  • News

    Watchdog chair to get tough on obeying NICE rules


    Care Quality Commission chair Baroness Young has pledged to crack down on NHS organisations that fail to adopt National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance.Ignoring guidelines could result in marked-down annual assessment ratings and lower pay, she told HSJ in her first interview in her role at the new ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stepping up to primary care leadership


    A leadership development project set up by Bedfordshire primary care trust and the Royal College of Nursing is helping nurses and therapists develop new skills and improve patient care

  • News

    Health volunteering in Cambodia - tackling inequalities


    In the latest of a series on volunteering abroad in the health service, Patricia Sloan talks about the drive to reduce health inequalities in the Cambodian health system

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lessons learned from competition in the tender process


    Bristol Community Health reflects on lessons learned during the tendering process for community health services

  • News

    DH announces new IT and information leads


    The Department of Health has appointed the former IT chief for Cadbury Schweppes as the chief information officer for the NHS. Christine Connelly will lead the overall information strategy across the NHS.

  • News

    Minority staff get worse deal on jobs, pay and grievances


    Widespread disadvantages faced by black and minority ethnic NHS staff have been laid bare in a stark analysis of recruitment, bullying, grievance and disciplinary rates.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Devolved power flows through Darzi's vision


    The next stage review's warm reception was testament to the staff and patient engagement that informed it. Now, says NHS chief executive David Nicholson, that local ownership will energise its implementation

  • News

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on following Darzi


    I have been hearing talk along the lines of 'Darzi will never take off'. Some of this is wishful thinking (fearful acute trust) or something like first night nerves (empowered but apprehensive PCT).

  • News

    BBC to take a role in NHS Choices site


    The BBC and Picker Institute are preparing to play a role in the running of the NHS Choices website, alongside outsourcing giant Capita.

  • News

    £550m set aside to fund Darzi


    The Department of Health has set aside £150m from next year's NHS budget and £400m in 2010-11 to pay for the commitments set out in health minister Lord Darzi's review.

  • Comment

    Sue Ashmore on breastfeeding and public health


    To convey the public health benefits of breastfeeding, authors sometimes ask readers to imagine a miracle drug that prevents numerous childhood illnesses, has continued benefits into adulthood, is free to manufacture and readily available.

  • Comment

    Peter Reader on integrating healthcare


    Lord Darzi's next stage review contains the seeds of potentially the greatest revolution the NHS has seen since it was formed - a commitment to seek expressions of interest to run 'integrated care pilots'.