All Primary care articles – Page 233

  • News

    Commissioner-provider split is inefficient, study claims


    Separating commissioner and provider functions, as advocated in world class commissioning, may damage the efficiency of the health service, a leading academic has claimed.

  • News

    Vascular checks could mean insurance hikes


    Thousands of people face higher health insurance premiums and may unwittingly invalidate their policies if government plans for vascular checks get the green light.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Joint working: passing the partnership test


    PCTs and local authorities are now working even more closely on understanding the needs of local people in a leap forward in partnership working. By Renu Bindra

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on the next big shift in healthcare


    I often wonder what will drive the next quantum shift in healthcare. If we ran a poll today, world class commissioning or the Darzi review would probably top the list. These ideas are fine, but it seems to me that they represent an incremental nudge rather than a quantum shift.

  • News

    Doctors' leaders challenge GP pay deal


    British Medical Association chair Hamish Meldrum has written to health secretary Alan Johnson challenging the proposed pay deal for GPs.

  • News

    NHS funds exclusive GP practices


    HSJ has uncovered further evidence of NHS-funded GP practices in prestigious institutions which are not accessible to ordinary members of the public.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving the detection of COPD


    There are over 15 million people in England with long-term conditions. Lord Darzi's interim report last October highlighted how less than 50 per cent of patients with long-term conditions receive optimal treatment, and that care does not always meet recommended guidelines.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on tackling the digital divide


    Economic growth is increasingly driven by the skill of the local workforce and more specifically confidence and competence in using digital technologies.

  • News

    PCTs warned not to fail on choice


    Health minister Ben Bradshaw has told primary care trusts to 'get their act together' to promote and deliver choice of treatment for patients.

  • News

    IT a challenge for polyclinics


    The patient record and information systems created by NHS Connecting for Health will be a 'significant challenge' to the realisation of the vision for polyclinics.

  • News

    Bradshaw warns PCTs: make the right choice


    As ‘free choice’ is extended to all patients, minister Ben Bradshaw tells primary care trusts they must undergo a cultural change to make it work - with consequences if they fail. Rebecca Evans met him

  • Comment

    Maggie Rae on spending time in general practice


    Sometimes it is good to see the world from another viewpoint. We can all get very focused on our priorities, roles and responsibilities. Occasionally it can be worth swapping seats and seeing how the world looks from a new angle.

  • Comment

    David Peat on facing up to health inequalities


    I suppose it is human nature to try to focus on the feel-good sides of life and shield ourselves from difficult or unpalatable realities.

  • News

    QOF harms inequality progress


    The freedom of GPs to 'exception report' patients may be undermining efforts to reduce health inequalities, experts have told the Commons health select committee.

  • News

    DH poaches GP guarantee payments to fund pay rise


    The Department of Health has begun its clawback of the controversial minimum practice income guarantee by accepting a pay recommendation for GPs that would give practices an average net increase of 0.2 per cent.The move came as other NHS staff groups were offered a three-year pay deal worth 2.75 per ...

  • News

    New release date for commissioning review


    The long-awaited value for money assessment of the framework for procuring external support for commissioners will now be completed next spring, the Treasury has revealed.

  • News

    DH heralds bigger role for pharmacies


    The Department of Health is to draw up plans for primary care trusts to commission more services from pharmacists.

  • News

    Attack on 'cool' screen smokers


    A partnership organisation led by a primary care trust is campaigning for under-18s to be banned from watching films that feature characters who smoke.

  • News

    Alliance - let firms help PBC


    Consortia of practice based commissioning GPs should be able to bypass primary care trusts and buy commissioning support from the private sector, the NHS Alliance is demanding.

  • HSJ Partners

    New provider incentives report available


    The Health Foundation has published a new report entitled Financial Incentives, Healthcare Providers and Quality Improvements.