All Primary care articles – Page 235

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Can fluoridation help the poorest?


    The health secretary's promise of £14m a year over the next three years for water fluoridation schemes has reignited the debate. Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts must persuade local communities to agree to it, but opponents protest that fluoridation is mass medication to benefit the few and point ...

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    PCTs may call for foundation style freedoms


    Primary care trusts could push for freedom to determine senior managers' pay as a reward for becoming world class commissioners.

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    NHS London focuses on Brent financial crisis


    A report into the financial crisis at Brent primary care trust has highlighted 'grave failings' in leadership.

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    London's neediest areas are worst off


    London primary care trusts facing the biggest health challenges are saddled with the greatest funding shortfalls, a new coalition of private and voluntary organisations has warned.

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    DH admits target on health inequalities is hard to meet


    The Department of Health has admitted that it will be 'difficult' to meet its target to reduce health inequalities.

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Framinghamis a town inMassachusetts, not far fromBoston. It’s predominantly white and middle class. It provided a refuge for families persecuted in theSalemwitches trials and it’s where the Battle Hymn of the Republic was first sung.So what’s it got to do with how much English primary care trusts spend on statins?The ...

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    Raj Persaud on getting blood out of a stone


    Management is all too often about persuasion; powerful managers are better at persuading those in the workplace to pursue helpful change, while less competent managers are not so effective at overcoming resistance.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Médecins Sans Frontières?


    There are conflicting approaches to providing NHS care to those not entitled to it, and the charity Médecins du Monde is at the front line of the battle. Mark Gould reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS continuing care: a new batch of claims?


    Compensation claims from patients who were denied continuing healthcare on the NHS are beginning to hit finance directors' desks. David Lock explains how to respond to them

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    PCTs may be subject to people power


    Primary care trusts and other healthcare providers could face increased pressure to respond to local people's concerns under a new 'community empowerment' white paper.

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    GPs urge PCTs to remain flexible


    Primary care trusts will have to negotiate with family doctors over how to implement extended hours locally after the overwhelming majority of GPs voted to accept the government’s proposed deal.

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    FESC is thrown open without Treasury probe


    The Department of Health has extended its commissioning support programme without carrying out an expected value-for-money assessment of the scheme, HSJ has learned.Health secretary Alan Johnson announced last week that the framework for procuring external support for commissioners, FESC, is now open to all primary care trusts to buy in ...

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    Lib Dems plan PCT tax-raising power


    The Liberal Democrats would turn primary care trusts into elected bodies that would eventually enjoy tax-raising powers, the party decided at its spring conference in Liverpool.

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    PCT rebrand will help end identity crisis


    Public sector rebranding exercises are often seen as a costly and pointless distraction. But the proposal to rebrand primary care trusts - so Oldham PCT would become NHS Oldham, for example - makes a great deal of sense and does not need to cost money.

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    Patients demand 'creativity' in dental commissioning


    Primary care trusts successful at commissioning dental services should be able to take over from those that are failing, says the Patients Association.

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    Britnell moots PCT rebrand


    Primary care trusts could change their names over the next year to boost the public’s understanding of their role.

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    PCTs pressured to lose provider arm


    Strategic health authorities are forcing primary care trusts to divest themselves of their provider functions, PCT chiefs have claimed.

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    GPs fail to help with appointments audit


    Primary care trusts have been unable to complete an audit of the number of GP appointments provided by practices because GPs have refused to hand over the information, following British Medical Association advice.

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    AIDS: getting the word out to diverse communities


    Educating immigrant groups about the AIDS epidemic in the UK must be treated as a key public health priority, as Hazel Barrett explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to pick a prescription


    Prescribing advisers help curb the national drugs spend and GPs value them too. Daloni Carlisle looks at their developing role