All Primary care articles – Page 236

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Change of view: improving primary care


    GPs in Essex were stimulated by the arrival of an alternative provider contract in their patch, say Hilary Ayerst and Paul Corrigan

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    Andrew Jones on extending primary care


    As I opened the envelope from the British Medical Association, I found myself reflecting on a tumultuous few months. The envelope in question contained a justification of the GPs' committee's negotiating stance on extended hours and a form for voting on enhanced payments options.

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    PCTs cut continuing care packages


    More than a quarter of primary care trusts have cut the number of adults they give NHS 'continuing care', despite guidance intended to boost provision.Figures published by the Department of Health show 44 PCTs reduced the number of people to whom they give the care package between April and December ...

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    Sizing up the national child measurement programme


    Forcing primary care trusts to measure all four and 11 year olds in their schools will not help tackle childhood obesity, argues Catherine Gleeson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Richard Gleave on healthcare wholesalers


    Mastering the latest management jargon is as much of a skill in the US as it is in the NHS. Even after several months, I am still a novice and get especially confused by the sporting analogies: it is easy to guess what is meant by a 'play book', but ...

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    David Peat on community spirit


    It occurred to me the other day that just as TV soap devotees have Coronation Street, in East Lancashire we have Howard Street. But instead of the Rovers Return being the centre of everything that moves, we have Howard Street's community health centre.

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    Tee calls for cash incentives


    NHS Direct could be paid extra to focus on taking calls from patients living in deprived areas or with specific health needs, its chief executive Matt Tee has revealed.

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    Scottish budgets reworked


    Scottish health and well-being secretary Nicola Sturgeon has unveiled a new funding formula that will see substantial redistribution of funds between health boards.

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    Eleventh-hour changes to GP contract left PCTs with bill


    The introduction of the new GP contract led to a 57 per cent increase in payments to practices in just three years, the National Audit Office has found. The huge increase was fuelled by a last-minute concession to the British Medical Association that sidelined the government's own priority to tackle ...

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    GP payment scheme must be 'scaled back'


    Offering financial incentives to GPs and other healthcare providers is unlikely to have a dramatic impact on the quality of patient care, new research concludes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    'Twas ever thus: why Darzi is 90 years too late


    In 1920 Lord Dawson, physician-in-ordinary to George V, called for the creation of what we now call polyclinics in a report that was well received even by the BMA. So why did his idea never take off, ask Ian Kendall and John Carrier

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    Practice managers seek lobby muscle


    GP practice managers are attempting to establish their own national representative body to lobby on behalf of the profession and develop a code of ethics that members can sign as a mark of their professionalism.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A check-up for nurses


    A new campaign is encouraging health workers to focus on their own lives for a change. Rosemary Cook explains the ambitions of Nursing No.1

  • HSJ Knowledge

    A check-up for nurses


    A new campaign is encouraging health workers to focus on their own lives for a change. Rosemary Cook explains the ambitions of Nursing No.1

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Learning to be unloved


    In the second article in our series on coaching, Isobel Gowan describes her work with a GP who is new to leadership

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health screening: from talk to action


    The importance of preventive diagnosis and screening programmes are now being talked up by the prime minister himself. Joshua Rowe looks at how they are already saving money - and lives

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health screening: from talk to action


    Preventive diagnosis and screening programmes can improve patient care and save the NHS money, writes Joshua Rowe

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on Premier League performance


    Do names matter? Since arriving back in the NHS and PCT land, I haven't had much chance to think about titles or the name of our organisation.

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    Trust plans to scrap jobs and shelve units


    Trafford Healthcare trust has launched a turnaround plan in a bid to avoid a £7m deficit next year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GPs must see sense on hours


    New proposals for extended working hours for GPs have provoked a storm of protest - but doctors should take a careful look at the benefits, argues Alastair Henderson