All Primary care articles – Page 237

  • News

    Doctors move to vote yes, under protest


    GPs will be persuaded to vote yes to the government's offer on extended hours, according to a poll of GPs.

  • News

    Ministers vs GPs: how did it come to this?


    The GP contract talks have been played out for the public, with both sides taking to the airwaves. Ingrid Torjesen explores why a couple of extra hours a week has created such a conflict

  • News

    Johnson irks committee as he ducks careers queries


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has rankled MPs by refusing to answer questions at a health select committee inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers.Mr Johnson batted off a series of questions about junior doctors' training, saying he could not comment before the Department of Health's formal response to the Tooke report.

  • News

    Ministers press for more child palliative care


    Ministers have made it clear they expect primary care trusts to spend more on children's palliative care.

  • News

    Councils given chance to offload burdens


    An independent review body has launched an investigation into the factors that hinder partnership work between health and social care services.

  • Comment

    Whither NHS reform?


    Richard Vize makes a sweeping dig at the British Medical Association and GPs, your traditional villains, and will probably get a quick laugh from the cheap seats. But has HSJ missed a point here?

  • News

    minimum gp core hours


    The Department of Health has no plans to set a minimum number of consulting hours GP practices should provide during their contracted core hours. As the government plans to set a minimum threshold for hours practices must be available for appointments outside the hours of 8am to 6.30pm Monday to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Smoking: 60 years of kicking the habit


    Attitudes to public health and smoking have evolved enormously since the NHS was established 60 years ago, as Su Xavier explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Smoking: 60 years of kicking the habit


    Attitudes to public health and smoking have evolved enormously since the NHS was established 60 years ago, as Su Xavier explains

  • Comment

    Media Watch: GP opening hours


    Doctors were in the spotlight this week, after the British Medical Association advised GPs to accept a new contract that means practices will open for longer.

  • News

    PCTs 'would gain power by a constitution'


    An NHS constitution would address the 'woefully inadequate' relationship between commissioners and patients, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has claimed.

  • Comment

    Sophie Christie on the Lucentis drug controversy


    The latest media celebration of how terrible the NHS is gathers pace. The press has been reporting that people are going blind because they are being refused a drug (as opposed to going blind because they have a degenerative disease). Yet the fourth estate seems to be missing a far ...

  • News

    Primary care leaders call GP resistance 'unhelpful'


    Primary care leaders have joined the argument over extended hours after GPs warned they may refuse to take part in local audits on opening times.

  • News

    Mayor flags up his blueprint for the future of London's health


    Preventable inequalities in health are unacceptable in a leading world city and have huge economic and social consequences, according to London mayor Ken Livingstone.

  • Comment

    The BMA is standing between patients and a better service


    Not content with grossly misrepresenting the government's position on opening hours, the British Medical Association has now resorted to sabotage to block modernisation of our primary care services.

  • News

    Dr Foster admits flaws in east London report


    Doctor Foster Intelligence has admitted that a £47,000 report it prepared for a London council was seriously flawed, following an investigation by the information company's own ethics committee.

  • Comment

    A case for extending GP hours


    Changing the way GP surgeries are managed could help improve access for patients who are excluded by the current system, argues Jim Ford

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Scottish dementia network launches newsletter


    The Tayside managed care network for dementia has produced the first issue of its new quarterly newsletter, available now on the network's page in the register.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Scottish dementia network launches newsletter


    The Tayside managed care network for dementia has produced the first issue of its new quarterly newsletter, available now on the network's page in the register.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Risk prediction network created


    A new risk prediction network has been established to engage health and social care groups - including commissioners, clinicians, community matrons and NHS and social care managers - to share ideas, experiences and knowledge on different methods of predicting and stratifying risk of local health populations.