All Primary care articles – Page 238

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Risk prediction network created


    A new risk prediction network has been established to engage health and social care groups - including commissioners, clinicians, community matrons and NHS and social care managers - to share ideas, experiences and knowledge on different methods of predicting and stratifying risk of local health populations.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Race for Health progress report with calendar and cookbook


    The 2008 Race for Health progress report is out. Recipes for Success is published as a calendar and cookbook. The calendar combines 12 recipes celebrating food and culture from black and minority ethnic communities with 12 case studies of good practice from Race for Health primary care trusts. A faith ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Race for Health progress report with calendar and cookbook


    The 2008 Race for Health progress report is out. Recipes for Success is published as a calendar and cookbook. The calendar combines 12 recipes celebrating food and culture from black and minority ethnic communities with 12 case studies of good practice from Race for Health primary care trusts. A faith ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS team wins Investors in Children accreditation


    Staff at Hart Lodge, part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust, have become the first NHS child learning disability team to gain Investors in Children accreditation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS team wins Investors in Children accreditation


    Staff at Hart Lodge, part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys trust, have become the first NHS child learning disability team to gain Investors in Children accreditation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Thousands now book to see GPs on web


    More than 56,000 people booked appointments on-line at their GP practice last month with one in seven practices now able to offer the service.

  • HSJ Knowledge



    Staff in the NHS might be expected to be better at looking after their own health than most people. They have health promotion information to hand, they either are, or work closely with, clinicians, and they are usually provided with excellent occupational health services. Perhaps equally important, they are regularly ...

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    Hilary Thomas on


    One of my enduring impressions of the NHS is that of mythology. Not the classical Greek type representing animal/human chimaeras but perhaps equally contradictory.There are a number of platitudes which people love to cite: “free at the point of delivery”, “the GP as gatekeeper”, and first prize has to go ...

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    Hilary Thomas on challenging NHS rhetoric


    One of my enduring impressions of the NHS is that of mythology. Not the classical Greek type representing animal/human chimaeras but perhaps equally contradictory. There are a number of platitudes which people love to cite: “free at the point of delivery”, “the GP as gatekeeper”, and first prize has to ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on bringing the foundation trust model to PCTs


    Creating a membership organisation has helped one primary care trust increase public involvement in decision-making

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Paul Jennings on bringing the foundation trust model to PCTs


    Creating a membership organisation has helped one primary care trust increase public involvement in decision-making

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Electronic consultation cuts hospital referrals in Bradford by half


    Clinicians in Bradford, West Yorkshire, are piloting a scheme to cut referrals to secondary care and improve the care pathway for chronic kidney disease. The scheme relies on an 'e-consultation' tool that allows primary and secondary care clinicians to communicate electronically.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Alan Maynard on hard questions for NICE


    Everyone accepts that resources are scarce and that rationing in the NHS is ubiquitous. Rationing involves depriving patients of care from which they might benefit and would like to have. The most explicit instrument for rationing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is the National Institute for Health and Clinical ...

  • News

    Sharp rise in untreated hypertension


    The annual health survey for England has revealed that 2006 saw a large rise in the number of people with high blood pressure going untreated.

  • News

    UnitedHealth wins more GP deals


    UnitedHealth has been awarded a second contract to run a GP surgery in Derbyshire and contracts to run three surgeries in north London.

  • News

    Scotland's personal care policy questioned


    Scotland's flagship free personal care policy needs to be better funded and managed if it is to work in the future, the public spending watchdog warned last week. A report from Audit Scotland reveals budget shortfalls and ambiguities in the way the policy was implemented.

  • News

    BUPA wins first deal to support commissioners


    Hillingdon primary care trust has signed a three-year deal with BUPA to help it commission services.

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    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

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    Richard Craven on extending out-of-hours services


    Developing innovative clinics and treatment centres will only improve patients' access to care if we also provide clear guidance on how to use these services appropriately

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    Tobacco - why now is the time for battle


    With smoke-filled public rooms already fading into the past following the smooth introduction of smoke-free laws, it is easy to understand how the public health focus might shift away from tobacco use. But smoking must remain the number one concern for everyone who cares about inequalities in health and tackling ...