All Primary care articles – Page 240

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    Simon Stevens on Brown's first health speech


    Until last week, Gordon Brown had been surprisingly - even painfully - quiet on where he thought the NHS should be headed. But last Monday he finally showed some leg, in the form of his first major health pronunciamento since moving into Number 10.

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    BMA under fire over GP pay row 'scare tactics'


    Primary care trusts have rounded on the British Medical Association for drawing patients into its pay row. The accusation comes after the doctors' union distributed thousands of posters warning the public that the family doctor service is under threat.

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    James Kennedy on rethinking out-of-hours care


    Forcing GPs to provide out-of-hours care may not be the best way to rebuild public confidence in these services. Instead, the government should look to other providers to fill the gap

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Salaried primary care dentists accept new contract


    The British Dental Association has confirmed that salaried primary care dentists in England have voted to accept proposals to modernise their contract, negotiated by NHS Employers and the BDA.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on action for equality


    Christmas came early for me insofar as all the objectives I wanted to deliver were prioritised in the NHS operating framework. I was delighted to see health inequalities in there.

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    Healthy diet messages not hitting home


    Healthy eating messages are failing to change people's decisions on what food to buy, a government report has warned.

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    Sophia Christie on managing cultures in the health service


    Naturally an optimist, I always like to start the new year reflecting on emerging opportunities. Primary care trusts had a lot to get excited about in the last few months of 2007 with the development and launch of world class commissioning. The experience has been reminiscent of the publication last ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Should the NHS pay for an unwanted child?


    If a child is born following a botched sterilisation, should the NHS foot the bill? Ben Troke explains why the courts tend to say no

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    Social care users want free basic service but will pay top-up


    Up to three quarters of social care service users support radical reform of the funding system, a multi-agency survey has revealed.

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    Preventive care rhetoric could become reality


    Gordon Brown's keynote health speech was not just a crucial moment in the bid to relaunch his premiership (for more details, click here). As the NHS heads towards its 60th anniversary, his government's ability to deliver these reforms will have a profound impact on the service's long-term future.

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    NICE must reform say MPs


    The health select committee has recommended sweeping changes to the way the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence assesses what drugs and treatments should be available on the NHS.In their report published today the committee says that NICE’s cost threshold of£30,000 per quality life year gained, which it uses ...

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    Vitamin D heart disease link


    Researchers in the US say that a lack of vitamin D may be linked to an increase in heart disease.

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    Disabled people twice as likely to be in poverty


    A report on disability poverty in the UK claims that disabled people are twice as likely to live in poverty as non-disabled people.

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    How to live 14 years longer


    A new study claims that the combination of four health behaviours can add up to 14 years to people's lives.

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    Welsh social services improve


    Care and social services in Wales improved during 2006-07 but the quality of some services remains inconsistent, according to a report published today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison welfare to healthcare


    Louise Berktay talks to the people working to drive up healthcare standards at a Birmingham prison

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Social enterprise - a world class solution?


    The first batch of presentations from Social Enterprise - A World Class Solution?, a conference held inLondonon 15 November, are now available online. Further presentations will be added in due course.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Partnerships against heart disease


    A collaboration between pharmaceutical firms and the NHS is forming a united front against heart disease, explains Jan Balmer

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on streamlining processes in the NHS


    Why not find out why a process risks wasting money rather than add another process to try to check it, says Andrew Castle

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    Scotland's pledge on opening hours faces GP resistance


    The Scottish government has set itself on a collision course with GPs by promising extended practice opening hours as part of a package to improve access to primary care.