All Primary care articles – Page 241

  • News

    New health check will rate PCT commissioning skills


    Primary care trusts will be assessed on the quality of commissioning as part of next year's health check.

  • News

    Operating framework reasserts DoH's central control


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson's exhortation to look out to communities, not up to the DoH at Richmond House, is starting to look like lip service, given the new operating framework's raft of extended targets, writes Sally Gainsbury

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    GPs back call to vet leaflets


    There is mounting pressure to introduce a system for vetting information leaflets in GP surgeries after it emerged many are sponsored by big brands or contain large amounts of advertising.

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    Hunt on for missing £870m as DoH accused of hoarding cash


    The Department of Health is keeping back up to £870m in NHS funding, HSJ has been told - and is suspected of hoarding the cash to pay for extra initiatives next year.

  • News

    new community hospital schemes announced


    Just over one third of the£750m announced in 2006 to modernise community hospitals has now been allocated, the Department of Health has said. The£750m was due to be spent over five years on either building new community hospitals or super surgeries, or renovating old ones. It followed the 2006 health ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS procurement - the rules on tendering


    Rules requiring trusts to tender health services contracts can be difficult to interpret, particularly for primary care trusts. Anne Crofts explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public health campaigns: spreading the word about COPD


    How do you encourage a tight-knit community to stop doing the one thing they already know is damaging their health but that they doubt they can live without? Cheshire and Merseyside Partnership for Health did just that with its 'catch your breath' campaign

  • News



    The British Medical Association and the British Dental Association have written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer saying changes to capital gains tax could jeopardise the retirement plans of thousands of members. They are concerned that the abolition of taper relief from April 2008 will mean GPs and dentists will ...

  • Comment

    Sir Liam's patient safety spotlight shines on PCTs


    Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson is pushing primary care trusts to put his crusade on patient safety at the centre of their work (for more details, click here).

  • News

    GPs told to be local leaders


    The new chair of the Royal College of GPs has criticised family doctors for failing to 'stand up and shout' about public health issues.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on registering with a GP


    Last time I invited responses to two questions: how to choose a GP and why bother now that direct access services are so good?

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    Race law warning from DoH


    The NHS's most senior equality official has warned that the Department of Health could stop working with organisations that do not fulfil their obligations under race equality legislation.

  • News

    GPs told to get specialist commissioning help


    Practice-based commissioning should be changed to let mixed teams of hospital specialists and GPs decide how budgets are spent, according to a report by a leading health policy analyst.

  • News

    PCT safety breaches still going unreported


    Primary care trusts are continuing to under-report breaches of patient safety, the chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Barometer: PCTs December 2007


    Confidence in demand management capability continues to creep up, according to the latest Barometer survey of primary care trust chief executives. This month's figure stands at 6.95, compared with September's score of 6.20 out of 10.

  • Comment

    Jan Little on person-centred care


    Focusing care on individual needs, rather than a series of tasks that must be completed, can help manage challenging behaviours and reduce pressure to use covert medication

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Leading the way on diabetes


    Developing leaders in healthcare is integral to improving the quality of care for patients with conditions such as diabetes. However, it is increasingly accepted that all team members need to be involved if lasting improvements are to be made.

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on looking to the French for public health cues


    Tackling obesity means watching how - and not just what - we eat. French eating habits could be a good example for the UK

  • News

    Nineteen PCTs pledge to lead the way on race


    A group of primary care trusts have pledged to be the first to meet performance targets to reduce health inequalities experienced by black and minority ethnic communities.

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    Some great work, but PCTs are still a long way off 'world class'


    The Healthcare Commission's State of Healthcare report, published on Tuesday, reveals much to celebrate (for more background, click here).