All Primary care articles – Page 247

  • News

    Incentivise GPs to collect vital ethnic data, urge PCT leaders


    Middle managers have hit out at inadequate incentives to collect information on ethnicity that could help tackle health inequalities.

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    Call to meet equality obligations to men


    The Men's Health Forum has challenged the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights to take immediate action to ensure the NHS meets its obligations to men.

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    Ambulance trusts worry commissioners will neglect specialist service


    Emergency chiefs fear commissioners will balk at paying for an ambitious plan to allow specialist paramedics into the heart of major incidents, including terrorist attacks.

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    BMA says more funds are key to boosting GP access


    The chairman of the British Medical Association has told a government minister that more money and staff will be needed to improve GP access.

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    DoH names 14 firms that will support PCTs


    Fourteen private firms have been appointed by the Department of Health to help primary care trusts commission services, HSJ can reveal.

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    The wife of an Alzheimer’s disease patient featured in a high-profile television documentary made a moving plea to break down barriers between health and social care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Developing global health partnerships through volunteering


    In the first of a series of online columns charting her experiences as a development volunteer in Cambodia, Patricia Sloane explains why she is taking the plunge into her new role and how she expects it to help her after she returns to the NHS

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on local leadership


    All leaders, even those at the most local level, must demonstrate knowledge and passion in order to bring about real transformation, writes Maggie Rae

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Provider services: get up to speed on quality


    Stockport primary care trust has pioneered a model for assuring quality of provider services. Rebekah Cresswell explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on spotting bullies and stopping bullying


    Few words are more bandied around than the b-word - bullying. But what is really meant by it? What should you do if you are on the receiving end of such an accusation? Jenny Rogers explains

  • News



    The Faculty of Public Health and the Association of Public Health Directors have welcomed the restriction of tobacco sales to those over 18.President of the APHD Tim Crayford said: 'Rising thelegal minimumage of sale of tobaccobrings this nicely into line with alcohol. We back these proposals wholeheartedly.'The age ...

  • News

    Hamish calls for more cash


    The chairman of the British Medical Association has told a government minister that more money and staff will be needed to improve GP access. Dr Hamish Meldrum spoke out after Ben Bradshaw, the health minister with responsibility for primary care, said more GPs were needed in under doctored areas and ...

  • News

    Legal smoking age increases


    The age at which tobacco can be bought legally increases from 16 to 18 today.Public health minister Dawn Primarolo said the move would help shopkeepers spot underage smokers and reduce the number of young people who become addicted to nicotine.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Orphan drugs: economies in treating rare disorders


    Transparent mechanisms for deciding on the use of high-cost drugs for rare disorders are needed, says Michael Sobanja

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    At risk groups urged to get flu jab


    The government is launching a new campaign to mark the start of the flu season and encouraging 'at risk' groups to get a flu jab.

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    Framework reveals high standards in primary care, says BMA


    Latest figures for the quality and outcomes famework published today show GP teams in England have achieved 95.5 per cent of the points available.

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    BUPA to help with commissioning at Hillingdon primary care trust


    Hillingdon primary care trust has confirmed BUPA as the company that will help it commission services under the Department of Health's external commissioner list.

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    Councils try to grab half a per cent of all NHS funds


    Battle lines have been drawn between local government and the NHS in the run-up to the Treasury's next public spending round.

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    Johnson at odds with prime minister over alcohol licensing laws


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has publicly dismissed the chief medical officer's concerns about extended licensing hours - a view that now appears to put him at odds with his own prime minister.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Barometer: primary care trusts in September 2007


    Financial optimism is still riding high, according to the latest Barometer survey of primary care trust chief executives. Confidence in breaking even at the end of 2007-08 stands at an all-time high of 9.45 out of 10, up on August's figure of 8.73.