All Primary care articles – Page 251

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    Michael White on former health secretary Stephen Dorrell


    When I rang him he said the NHS has 'gone full circle' since Labour came in and abolished the internal market in 1997

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    Potential return to huge debt in three years' time


    The man who laid the ground for the massive spending boost to the NHS has warned that the service could be up to £15.2bn short again in three years.

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    PCTs fall short on consulting


    Primary care trusts need to provide leadership training to professional executive committees and have a strategy to consult with patients, the Commons public accounts committee has concluded.

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    'Outdated' IT systems raise MPs' concerns


    Hospitals have been forced to rely on increasingly outdated IT systems because of delays in implementing a major part of the national programme for IT, the Commons health select committee has warned.

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    Patient involvement can help siphon control from the centre


    The government has raised the question of the health service's democratic deficit.

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    BUPA expected to provide 'external support' for PCT


    Hillingdon primary care trust is set to name BUPA as the company it plans to use to help it commission services under the Department of Health's external commissioner list, HSJ has learned.

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    Public expecting too much as spending cuts approach


    Local managers need more accountability and stronger support from politicians when making tough decisions, a think tank has claimed.

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    Alliance: PBC will transform health service


    The NHS Alliance has given practice-based commissioning a vote of confidence in a report released today.Alliance chair Dr Michael Dixon said PBC was going to transform the NHS but there has been a slow start due to primary care trust reconfiguration.He warned the policy would not go far enough if ...

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    Bradshaw calls for action to fix primary care democratic deficit


    Health minister Ben Bradshaw has raised the prospect of a shake-up of local governance after he issued a warning that there is a 'problem' with primary care trusts' accountability to their patients.

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    Joint project to reduce falls in patients


    According to a new study, closer working between pharmacy and physiotherapy services may improve care for older people at risk of falls.Research carried out at Guy's and St Thomas' foundation trust found that many older patients who have fallen would benefit from having their medicines reviewed.

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    chan wheeler


    The new commercial director at the Department of Health has committed himself to breaking down barriers and creating a level playing field in the NHS to enable the independent sector to provide care.Speaking at the inaugural annual conference on the independent sector Chan Wheeler delivered his first public address after ...

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    New study claims that the pill may cut cancer risk


    The contraceptive pill may reduce the risk of cancer for most women, according to a study published by the British Medical Journal.

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    Call for HIV test kit review


    The Terrence Higgins Trust is urging the government to change the law and allow people to buy and use home test kits for HIV.

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    Junior health minister Lord Darzi's polyclinics have received yet more criticism from clinicians as the Royal College of GPs has published its vision of the future.The Roadmap joins the British Medical Association and the NHS Alliance in criticising the term polyclinics and suggests an alternative model.The report says: 'We caution ...

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    Maggie Rae


    The head of the local delivery and health inequalities unit has become the latest senior Department of Health employee to return to the frontline.Maggie Rae has become the director of health at Wiltshire primary care trust.Ms Rae was seconded to the DoH for two years from the National Institute for ...

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    Early wins, early lessons


    Practice based commissioning has received a vote of confidence in the NHS Alliance report Practice based commissioning: early wins, early lessons released today.The report looks in depth at instances of PBC working well and saving money across the country.Chairman of the Alliance Dr Michael Dixon said PBC was going to ...

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    Practice based commissioning


    Practice based commissioning has received a vote of confidence in the NHS Alliance report Early wins, early lessons, released today.Chairman of the Alliance Dr Michael Dixon said PBC was going to transform the NHS but there has been a slow start due to primary care trust reconfiguration.He warned PBC would ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Raj Persaud on trade-offs


    If you could be given a money substitute for charming nurses, how much would compensate you for their absence?

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    Improving Lives: Saving lives


    The East of England strategic health authority has developed 12 pledges aiming to raise public perception of the health service and improve patient experience.Improving Lives: Saving lives, launched on Monday for consultation, details the vision of the SHA - to be the best health service in England - and ...

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    men's health


    North Tyneside PCT is running a project to encourage elusive male patients to get health check ups.Men who visited the Asda supermarket in Benton yesterday were able to get a health check at the check out with their weekly shopping.North Tyneside PCT’s Community Health Development Team and the Pitstop project ...