All Primary care articles – Page 252

  • News

    Medical students need free prescribing guide


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has criticised the government's decision to stop supplying free copies of the British National Formulary to medical students.

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    Ofcare may not cover public health


    Healthcare Commission chief executive Anna Walker has voiced concerns that the NHS's new super-regulator may be given too narrow a remit.Ms Walker insisted Ofcare, set to swallow up the Healthcare Commission in April 2009, must have the power to regulate and assess NHS organisations on health and health inequalities as ...

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    BMA hits out at 'focus on money'


    More progress is needed on the 18-week GP referral to hospital treatment target, the British Medical Association has said.

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    scotland new bill


    A bill to introduce directly elected health boards is part of the Scottish government’s first legislative programme, which was announced last week.The proposed Local Healthcare Bill will be based on public consultation, due to begin this autumn. The move is intended to improve public engagement with health services.First minister Alex ...

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    Mixed results for public health


    The Department of Health's performance chief has fired a warning shot over public health targets following 'mixed' quarterly results in sexual health and stop-smoking services.

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    Specialist doctors 'left in lurch'


    A damming report has criticised primary care trust management of specialist doctors working in the community.Specialists employed directly by PCTs feel professionally isolated and that their needs are 'ignored', the NHS Alliance has warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Time to step up to patient-centred care


    Mental health clients using services in the community can become commissioners in their own right, says Ailsa Claire

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    £10m for health at work


    Health minister Ivan Lewis has announced £10m funding to improve health at work.

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    Plans for flu jabs released


    The flu immunisation campaign to encourage uptake of the flu vaccine will be launched on 1 October, the Department of Health has announced.

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    North East still suffering from poor public service outcomes


    Pockets of poor public service outcomes in the North East are to blame for the region's poor outcomes overall, according to the Institute for Public Policy Research North.

  • Comment

    David Peat on sharing good practice


    'Our European health colleagues listened intently as I told them how our working together principles operated'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Commissioning: a problem shared


    Many reforms must rest on well-supported commissioners. Specialist services and agencies serving clusters of primary care trusts mean help is at hand, reports Daloni Carlisle

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    Campaign stresses importance of immunisation


    New research claims that more than one in three people in the UK are not aware of the diseases that can be prevented by vaccination and are putting themselves and others at risk.

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    Scottish GPs welcome out-of-hours report


    GP leaders in Scotland have welcomed the publication of the Audit Scotland report into primary care out-of-hours services.

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    Inequalities masked at local level


    Progress made towards the national target to reduce health inequalities is masking the areas that are facing the worst problems, public health experts have warned.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PCTs under pressure to open doors wider


    With the disappointing results from last month's primary care access survey, the government is expecting a fast response from PCTs. David Stout suggests competition between practices could be the answer

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    Suffolk delays terminating PMS contracts


    Suffolk primary care trust has said it will delay terminating the personal medical services contracts it holds with 46 practices in the area.

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    Doctors may strike over contract delays


    Twelve and half thousand senior hospital doctors may take strike action after walking away from negotiations over their contract, complaining the government is taking too long to sign it off.

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    Commissioning's stakeholders design their world-class future


    Primary care trusts that demonstrate they are 'world-class commissioners' could be rewarded with foundation trust-style freedoms.

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    Terminal care provision has 'major flaws'


    Terminally ill people are suffering needlessly uncomfortable and distressing deaths, a report by Help the Hospices has claimed.