All Primary care articles – Page 257

  • News

    'Blame culture' is driving staff errors underground


    Managers must eliminate the blame culture in the NHS to prevent under-reporting of safety breaches, the chief executive of the National Patient Safety Agency has warned.

  • News

    Working patterns must change for pay benefits to show


    A King’s Fund report on the impact of Agenda for Change has said the system was rushed, has exceeded all cost estimates and has yet to show anticipated benefits for patients.The report found that the intended benefits will not be felt unless changes are made to the working patterns of ...

  • News

    DoH demands better access for patients


    Primary care trusts will have to demonstrate 'tangible improvements' in patients' access to GP services by the end of the year.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Getting to grips with employee absence


    Managers need to take decisive steps to tackle high rates of employee absence in the health service, writes Ben Willmott

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New media - new medicine?


    Innovative projects in patient care are making good use of new media, write Shak Gohir and Eve Knight

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Public health and service integration


    The Role of Public Health in Integrated Services is a 48-page discussion paper that provides an overview of the scope of public health practice. It outlines some of the tools and techniques that might be used in designing and evaluating integrated services, and explains how they might be used as ...

  • Comment

    Carers must be treated with dignity


    Lord Darzi has been asked by the health review the main challenges facing the NHS, including ensuring that care for people with long-term conditions is joined-up, patient focused, offers best value and is delivered with dignity in the best location for each patient, which for many will be their ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Illegal immigrants and the NHS - unfinished business


    The NHS's duty to illegal immigrants is no simple matter, as David Lock explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Adult care joint ventures


    The Integrated Care Network's report Adult Care Joint Ventures: aspirations, challenges and options sets out to explore radically alternative models of adult care services commissioning and provision.

  • News

    HPA warning on sexual health target


    Increasing pressure on sexual health services could undermine progress towards the target of ensuring patients have access to a genito-urinary medicine clinic within 48 hours by 2008.

  • Comment

    Emma Dent


    'With the ludicrous amount of NHS reorganisation and reconfiguration last year, either the mighty Binley's gave up, or simply stopped sending them to HSJ'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Safe crackers


    Putting patient safety at the heart of NHS services needs a significant cultural shift. HSJ and Microsoft brought together key leaders to ask how to make this happen

  • News

    Contract dispute could drive wedge between GPs and PCTs


    Moves to change the terms of GP contracts in Suffolk could spark 'ructions' between primary care trusts and GPs across the country.

  • News

    Ministers must win battle on provision to fulfil early promise


    'While other parts of the public sector have learned to work with a mixed economy, the NHS still flinches at the idea of private involvement'

  • News

    Fewer targets means more accountability


    'The reduction in targets does not mean data collection will be weakened. For example, health inequalities cannot be monitored without understanding smoking cessation, obesity and infant mortality'

  • News

    Johnson wants competition to prop up poor GP access


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has told primary care trusts to use independent sector providers to fill gaps in services. He has also told PCTs to produce local action plans to improve poor access to GP services.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Success story: pulmonary rehabilitation


    One primary care trust's award-winning pulmonary rehabilitation service has made a real difference to local people's lives, as David Peat explains

  • Comment

    Protecting public and patient involvement


    The blind drive to force the introduction of local involvement networks and abolish patient and public involvement forums is dangerous and misguided.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How information can support the transition from hospital to home


    The Information Centre for health and social care is at the heart of UK-wide initiative to develop information to support community care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jenny Rogers on dysfunctional teams


    'What wrecks many noble projects is feelings, and human beings have an infinite number of ways to sabotage here'