All Primary care articles – Page 265

  • News

    Cash-strapped contraceptive services plead for a target


    Contraceptive services are struggling as PCTs direct budgets to the GUM target. Family planning needs a target of its own, reports Helen Mooney

  • News

    BMA offers practice-based commissioning support to PCTs


    The British Medical Association GPs committee has drafted a model letter for GPs to send to primary care trusts that they believe are not providing sufficient support for them to engage in practice-based commissioning. The letter, which lists practice entitlements and PCT responsibilities, has been sent to local medical ...

  • News

    PCTs asked to check web info


    Primary care trust chief executives are being asked to check health service information on the NHS website ahead of the launch of a new online resource. The NHS Choices website will be launched on 11 June. Web editors are being asked to check that information about GP, dental, pharmacy ...

  • News

    NHS Alliance gives appointments advice


    The NHS Alliance has provided advice to the NHS Appointments Commission on good practice in primary care trust non-executive director appointments.The alliance's recommendations have been prepared by the NED Network national steering committee and are based on a survey of NEDs, including those who were not reappointed after last year's ...

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    David Moon on resource efficiency in construction projects


    Over the past few years, trusts have placed growing pressure on contractors to improve their sustainability credentials and significant progress towards setting minimum requirements for recycled content in the health sector has already been made.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: community hospitals and LIFT


    One of the keys to success of the community hospital.programme will be the development of sustainable partnerships, both within local NHS and local authority communities and also with innovative GPs and other private and voluntary sector providers

  • News

    Leadership development to focus on reducing inequalities


    The Health Foundation is seeking applicants for a new leadership development scheme aimed at improving the quality of healthcare for people from black and minority ethnic groups.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New online resource launched


    The Health Foundation has re-launched its website with a broader range of content and practical case studies.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Learning from international comparisons


    Internationally agreed indicators are providing valuable insights into quality of care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on Leadership


    It is common for me to be asked: 'What's it like heading up health inequalities and local delivery at the Department of Health?' Some people think it is tough but actually it is a privilege. I have a view of the best in good practice and work with some of ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Have you got the Sex Factor? THT appeals for best practice


    Levels of sexually transmitted infections in the UK have soared. Lisa Power looks at some of the organisational reasons why and invites entries to Terrence Higgins Trust's Sex Factor best practice competition

  • News

    Government looks at Labour's health legacy


    The Department of Health has published four reports looking at progress in certain conditions over the last 10 years.The reports cover cancer, coronary heart disease, emergency care and mental health.Download the reports here

  • Comment

    Nick Summerton and colleagues on what topics should NICE consider


    Last September NICE took over the topic suggestion and selection process from the Department of Health. Six months on it is clear that the new processes are working: topics are being collected, sifted, and prioritised speedily.

  • News

    Ninety-six per cent of practices sign up to commissioning


    The Department of Health has released the latest data on the uptake of practice-based commissioning.The data shows that 96 per cent of practices have signed up, making progress towards the target of universal coverage.Get the figures here

  • News

    Blair and Hewitt defend reforms


    Tony Blair and health secretary Patricia Hewitt have stressed that health reforms were hard but worthwhile once completed.Speaking at press conference at the King's Fund, Ms Hewitt also said that as primary care trusts worked with local councils to bring care services together, a bigger contribution would be needed from ...

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    New prescribing guidance for senior managers


    A guide on prescribing information for primary care trust boards and senior managers has been published by the Department of Health. The document details the costs of medicines to the NHS, drug pricing and levels of prescribing activity.Download the guidance here

  • News

    GP contract gave 23 per cent pay rise, updated figures show


    Family doctors earned an average of £100,170 during the first year of the GP contract, according to figures from the Information Centre for health and social care. After expenses, earnings rose by 22.8 per cent in 2004-05 compared to the previous year.Click here to download the figures

  • News

    Only 1.3 per cent pay rise for very senior managers


    Basic pay rates for very senior managers will rise by 1.3 per cent. The pay rise will be backdated to 1 April and is in addition to the performance bonus scheme for executive staff.Health minister Lord Hunt has written to NHS chairs and chief executives explaining the decision and outlining ...

  • News

    Report calls for PCT funding of joint patient support service in local areas


    Primary care trusts and social care providers have been urged to fund a joint information service for patients and carers on the services in their area.

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: musical chairs


    To: Don Wise, chief executive