All Primary care articles – Page 266

  • News

    Lords a-leaping to the wrong conclusion


    In the last few days two lords with fingerprints on health policy reform - one a new minister and one a former one - both criticised the NHS's attitude to innovation.

  • Comment

    The figures are standardised, but the care certainly is not


    Research published by Dr Foster this week shows unequivocally that addressing the problem of variation in quality is one of the biggest priorities facing the service this year (see news, page 7).

  • News

    Open or shut case as service shake-ups hinge on SNP result


    An SNP victory in next week's Scottish elections would take a hatchet to a host of Labour's NHS reforms north of the border, writes Jennifer Trueland

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Shedding light on hidden activity


    Payment by results requires accurate recording of activity but, as Clive Evans reports, the system is far from flawless

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Lee on tough communications


    . 'Until you start getting complaints that the same message has been repeated too often, you probably aren't getting through to the masses' ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: St Mary's Hospital and the Freedom of Information Act


    How can managers be open and.limit damage to their trust under the Freedom of Information Act? Simon White advises

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Best practice: Sheffield PCT pilots telehealth and telecare


    Getting patients to update case managers on their health via remote devices.can have a dramatic effect on admissions and kick-start active self-management, writes Rosemary Lawson

  • News

    Pressure group calls for healthcare funding debate


    UK healthcare is not free at the point of delivery and in perpetuating this idea politicians are stifling proper debate on future funding of healthcare, says a report from Doctors for Reform.The report, written by three doctors, including oncologist Karol Sikora, highlights 20 case studies to show how patients are ...

  • News

    Health workers to vote on strike action


    Delegates at trade union Unison's health conference in Brighton will today vote on a ballot for strike action in protest at the government's proposed 2.5 per cent pay increase.Yesterday health workers voted to campaign against payment by results, set up a campaign against all forms of privatisation and marketisation, oppose ...

  • News

    NHS staff risk losing pay and pensions, says union


    Tens of thousands of NHS staff could lose out on pay and pensions if they are transferred to privately-run social enterprises, Amicus has warned.A report from the union said social enterprises are outside the NHS and Agenda for Change pay conditions would not necessarily apply.Read the report here

  • Comment

    Time to draw a line under Granger era


    The national programme for IT is reeling from its most damning verdict yet - this week's report from the Commons public accounts committee that condemns uncertainty over the schedule of implementation and value for money (see news, page 9).

  • News

    Diagnostic test waiting times released by DoH


    Diagnostics waiting times and activity data for February and the census of all diagnostic tests up to December 31 2006 have been published by the Department of Health.The data shows progress in tackling waiting times for tests such as scans. The monthly data gives the waiting times for 15 key ...

  • Comment

    Emma Dent


    'Are managers walking round with clipboards counting smiles and small talk exchanges?'

  • News

    NAO says consultants' contract is poor value


    Under the new NHS consultants' contract, consultants in England are earning on average 25 per cent more than three years ago but are working the same number of hours or less states the report from the National Audit Office.The report on the contract found that while it has the potential ...

  • News

    Cancer charity warning over HRT link


    Cancer Research UK has highlighted a study published in the Lancet that has found women who take hormone replacement therapy are more likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and to die of the disease.Results from the Million Women Study, the biggest of its kind in the world, show that ...

  • News

    Doctor's union responds to regulatory fees announcement


    The British Medical Association has responded to the Healthcare Commission's announcement to reduce its registration fees for independent doctors.The proposed reduction in the yearly registration fee is from £2,240 to £1,335.Read the response here

  • News

    Abortion research leads to call for better education


    New research conducted by Southampton University shows that because of myths about what having an abortion is like, women can be too frightened to seek counselling or treatment earlier.Many do not know where to get impartial information about unintended pregnancy or abortion. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is calling for ...

  • Comment

    Helen Rowntree on using patient safety indicators


    The past few months have seen the beginnings of a shift in the prevailing NHS wisdom about patient safety and how best to promote and improve it. The emphasis is moving firmly towards greater openness and accountability - a point well made by Frank Burns in his recent HSJ piece ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Formula for inspiration


    'Sheep dip', one-size-fits-all management courses do not inspire doctors to become leaders. Instilling true leadership skills is much more complex, says Jenny Simpson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on grievances


    Groups of professionals find it remarkably difficult to talk about anything other than the day job. A cluster of doctors will swap stories - in confidence of course - about interesting and demanding patients.