All Primary care articles – Page 270

  • News

    New NHS London chief executive named


    Ruth Carnell has been appointed chief executive of NHS London, after taking on the post on an interim basis last September when David Nicholson was appointed NHS chief executive.Mr Nicholson commented: ëI strongly believe we have found the right person to lead the NHS in London. Since she took up ...

  • News

    Blair sets out principles for public service reform


    Prime minister Tony Blair told a public service reform conference yesterday that changing public services must give people more power, ensure diversity of supply and offer specific help to those most in need.Mr Blair said massive increased investment in services had been needed, and had yielded more hospitals, lower waiting ...

  • News

    Hewitt to host public summit


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt is hosting a citizens' summit today for 90 members of the public who were involved in the listening exercises for the Your Health, Your Care, Your Say white paper.They will have the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the white paper since last January and the ...

  • News

    New social enterprise guide published


    The Social Enterprise Coalition and law firm Hempsons have published a guide on social enterprise in health and social care designed for commissioners and providers.Healthy Business includes nine case studies highlighting the diversity of social enterprises already operating in health and social care. The coalition will set up a health ...

  • News

    RCGP names new chair


    Professor Stephen Field has been named as the next chair of the Royal College of GPs when Professor Mayur Lakhani finishes his three-year term of office in November.Professor Field is GP in Birmingham, regional postgraduate dean for West Midlands Deanery and chair of the RCGP's professional development board.Read the press ...

  • News

    Care UK set for Mercury Health takeover


    Care UK has agreed a conditional contract with Tribal Group to buy Mercury Health for £31.5m, as well as assuming debts of £20.7m and repaying inter-company borrowing of £24.6m.Among the conditions for the acquisition to go ahead is approval from the Department of Health for the change of ownership. If ...

  • News

    Best practice: how to predict length of stay


    Asking patients to answer a unique set of questions about themselves helps assign them to the right beds from the beginning. Heather Waterman and Cherry Mason detail how a new allocation system has been working

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Legal briefing: The Mental Capacity Act


    All health care organisations need to make sure that the correct governance arrangements are in place to give effect to patients' rights and monitor application of the Act, writes Peter Marquand

  • HSJ Knowledge

    EARLI impact on reducing acute admissions


    A simple tool can do much to help cut emergency hospitalisations. David Lyon and Hannah Chellaswamy explain

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Training school nurses in mental health


    The Health Foundation is funding a project showing school nurses how to recognise and manage mental health problems in young people

  • News

    Patchy progress for endoscopy services


    Long waits for endoscopies have been eliminated in many parts of the country but some areas are still experiencing long delays, according to a report by the Healthcare Commission.In the South East half of all patients had been waiting more than 26 weeks for the procedure, while less than 0.2 ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jan Walmsley on leadership clusters


    Clustering leaders together for mutual support can not only.aid development and deal with management strategies but also be the solution to system problems beyond the regional

  • News

    New labour: the Welsh clinical pathway for childbirth


    Swansea University professor of midwifery Billie Hunter has researched into the clinical pathway in Wales, a system designed to document childbirth more carefully

  • News

    Postcode lottery for dental care


    A survey by consumer magazine Which? has found big regional variations in the availability of NHS dental care and a continuing lack of practitioners taking on new patients.Its research showed 36 per cent of practices are taking on new NHS patients. The areas with the highest proportion of practices doing ...

  • News

    BMA calls GP pay meeting


    The British Medical Association GP committee has invited local medical committee secretaries to a meeting to discuss the response to the GP pay award.The meeting will also cover the current state of general practice in the UK. It is scheduled for 19 April and will be chaired by committee chair ...

  • News

    Welsh cancer funding announced


    Welsh cancer services are to receive £4.5m of extra funding from the Welsh Assembly government.Minister for health and social services Dr Brian Gibbons said the funds were to support the implementation of recommendations from a recent review of cancer services.

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    First anniversary of Scottish smoking ban welcomed


    First Minister Jack McConnell has welcomed the first anniversary of the Scottish ban on smoking in enclosed public places.Mr McConnell said the move was one of the greatest achievements of devolution.Read the press release here

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    More funding needed for neglected diseases, says BMA


    A British Medical Association report published today says that since 2000 there has been a resurgence in drugs to treat diseases such as malaria and leprosy, but that governments across the world have failed to invest in them.BMA International Committee chair Dr Edwin Borman said: 'This report gives hope to ...

  • News

    NICE issues home births warning


    Women should be warned that babies born at home have a higher risk of dying, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has warned.Its guidance suggests women be reassured that the risk of their baby dying during childbirth is low wherever they are born - 5.1 deaths per 1,000 ...

  • News

    Minister launches smoke ban countdown


    The government is stepping up its campaign to help businesses get ready for the smoking ban, which comes into force on 1 July.Launching the 100-day countdown, public health minister Caroline Flint said: 'The new law will protect everyone from the harm of second-hand smoke at work and in public places, ...