All Primary care articles – Page 271

  • News

    Minister defends research plans


    Science minister Malcolm Wicks has defended plans to reform medical research to align it more closely with the needs of the health service.Speaking to the science and technology select committee yesterday, he said a joint bid was being developed to set up an office for strategic co-ordination of health research.The ...

  • News

    Tuberculosis rise continues


    Provisional figures released by the Health Protection Agency for 2006 show that cases of tuberculosis in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have increased 2 per cent from 8,008 cases reported in 2005 to 8,171 in 2006.London continues to account for the highest proportion of cases (42 per cent), but provisional ...

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    Long-term care patients out of pocket


    Primary care trusts failed to reimburse fully patients who funded their own long-term care - because of poor Department of Health guidelines, the health ombudsman has said.

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    The urgent care muddle may mean more nights to forget


    The transfer of responsibility for out-of-hours care from family doctors to primary care trusts has been anything but smooth. And uncertainty remains on how services will develop in future. Alison Moore looks at the options for a politically contentious issue

  • News

    HSE chair calls for improved workplace health regulation


    Health and Safety Executive chair Bill Callaghan has called for employers and unions to work more closely together to promote health and well-being at work.Delivering the annual lecture in memory of former ACAS chair Sir Pat Lowry, he said informal self-regulation would be more efficient than anything imposed by HSE ...

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    Experts split over Tories' big idea for public health


    The Conservative Party's plan to transform public health by creating independent local budgets has divided experts.

  • News

    Asset-sharing will limit the scope for dispute between the NHS and local government


    'The commissioning process must have an injection of public involvement at every stage but particularly at the very beginning when need is assessed'

  • Comment

    Consistency and agreement are needed to spread success


    'The MPs' committee calls for lessons learned from the turnaround programme to be shared. But evidence for its effectiveness is opaque'.

  • News

    Flexible working guidance for carers and employers


    The charities Working Families and Help the Hospices are to publish guidance on flexible working.The publications, one aimed at employers and one at carers for the terminally ill will be available from 5 April, to tie in with the new Work and Families Act, which comes into force next month.Read ...

  • News

    Health minister hosts webchat


    Health minister Andy Burnham will host a webchat this afternoon to answer questions from the public.The chat will focus on his experiences and observations from the seven days he spent shadowing a variety of frontline NHS staff last year.Ask a question on the webchat here

  • News

    Committee slams NHS financial management


    The Commons public accounts committee has slammed the lack of financial management expertise in the NHS.Its report says in-year information prevents the Department of Health from effectively managing national finances, and that the financial recovery plans of some trusts with large deficits have been based on unrealistic assumptions or short-term ...

  • News

    New chief executive for NHS Direct


    Department of Health director general of communications Matt Tee is to be the next chief executive of NHS Direct.Mr Tee was previously business development director at Dr Foster and takes over from Ed Lester, who will leave NHS Direct in May.

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    Maternity care review launched


    The Healthcare Commission is to carry out a review of maternity care in England following a report published today about the quality of maternity services.The report was carried out by the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit and was part-funded by the Healthcare Commission. It suggests most women are happy with the ...

  • News

    Information Centre business plan launched


    The Information Centre for health and social care will today launch its business plan for 2007-08 and its first strategy.The centre hopes to develop an 'information culture' across health and social care, to inform decision-making and improve service quality.

  • News

    Major malfunction


    The market-based system of payment by results is not functioning as hoped, causing adversarial relationships,

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kate Silvester on process mapping


    Mapping a process can help to solve problems, leading to savings, better efficiency and happier staff

  • Comment

    Your Humble Servant: life on Mars


    ‘The ambulance would be at least an hour and that they should do what first aid they could until the paramedics arrived’

  • Comment

    Doctors have feelings too


    I read Anna Donald's article on doctors' motives with interest (opinion, page 17, 8 March 2007). In terms of what doctors need, it is about finding an acceptable means of emotional release.

  • News

    Review says junior doctors should get guaranteed interviews


    The review group examining the selection process for junior doctors has recommended all eligible applicants are guaranteed an interview for their first or second choice of training post.The review also said those who have not been shortlisted for any interviews will have their applications reviewed.Read the press release here

  • News

    Measuring the quality of learning disability services


    Inspired by recent findings the Foundation for People with Learning Difficulties has found that using metrics can provide evidence to better inform healthcare professionals. Varya Shaw reports