All Primary care articles – Page 273

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    Restoring confidence requires an end to financial fudges


    .'With the NHS moving .towards a more transparent. market, top-down decisions. on the distribution of funds. must not become the norm.'.

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    Diabetes care improving


    Diagnosis of diabetes is improving and the NHS must step up to the challenge of providing high-quality care for everybody, according to a new report looking at the delivery of diabetes services. The Way Ahead: the local challenge, published today, looks at the progress made in improving diabetes care four ...

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    Government envisions a budget for every patient


    Individual budgets as piloted in social care could be used in healthcare, according to the government's Commissioning framework for health and well being.

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    PCT network attacks 'unfair' reporting of top-slice effect


    Primary care leaders are calling for changes to the way finances are reported after it emerged that the vast majority of current primary care trust debts are the result of top-slicing.

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    News analysis: Primary care chiefs: a reorganisation too far


    In the second of a three-part series, Victoria Vaughan turned to primary care trust chief executives for their views on Tony Blair's legacy to the NHS. They were found angry and disheartened by continued change.

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    Look to the long term for 2020 vision on climate change


    With front-page headlines this week warning that the UK's policies on climate change are set to achieve their 2020 milestone 30 years too late, the scale of the environmental challenge ahead becomes yet more daunting.

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    Global health strategy proposals launched


    The need for a global health strategy in order to protect the health of the UK was outlined in a report by chief medical officer Professor Sir Liam Donaldson.The CMO made the case for concerted action on global health and for developing a strategy that will benefit the health of ...

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    Government to review Modernising Medical Careers


    The Department of Health has announced a review into round one of Modernising Medical Careers recruitment and selection into specialist training, made through the medical training and application service. The move follows discussions with the medical Royal Colleges and the British Medical AssociationThe DoH said: 'It is clear that there ...

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    Gay men's health study announced


    Public Health Minister Caroline Flint today announced that the government is to fund a major study looking at why some gay men appear to be taking more risks with their sexual health in recent years.The results of the study will help the NHS and gay men's health organisations with their ...

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    Trusts warned over property maintenance


    The Health and Safety Executive has warned the NHS to maintain its properties effectively. It follows a successful action brought by the organisation against South West London and St George's Mental Health trust after a man fell at Springfield University Hospital and subsequently died.The trust was fined £7,500 and asked ...

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    Cash boost for health inequalities


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced an extra £8.9m for local authorities in 81 areas across the country to invest in schemes to tackle health inequalities. She also invited views on working arrangements in the commissioning framework for health and well-being, which will bring local councils and the NHS closer ...

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    Audiology waits 'unacceptable' says minister


    Patients face 'unacceptably long waits' for audiology services, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis in his foreword to today's Improving Access to Audiology Services in England national framework.He calls for a 'radical reduction' in waiting so that the most complex cases are treated within the end-of-2008 18-week target, and ...

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    Non-executive network appoints lead


    Rosanne Corben has been elected national lead for the NHS Alliance network for primary care trust non-executive directors and chairs, Nednet. She takes over from John Chapman who remains as network facilitator.

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    Organisational energy


    I agree totally with Helen Bevan's article on organisational energy but can't help thinking about the amount of energy being wasted in primary care trusts across the country as they grapple with the Commissioning a Patient-Led NHS.reconfiguration.

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    Campaign highlights hidden dangers of second-hand smoke


    Second-hand smoke is an 'invisible killer', according to a new advertising campaign, launched by public health minister Caroline Flint today. Nearly 85 per cent of tobacco smoke is invisible and odourless, but it causes just as much harm to people's health as the smoke that is visible, according to the ...

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    NHS to become unaffordable, says think tank


    The cost of technological advances in healthcare will make the NHS increasingly unaffordable, the think tank Reform says in a report today. It says that diseases like cancer will become much more manageable and will not necessarily be fatal, increasing

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    Air conditioning on the NHS


    Patients with breathing problems could soon be prescribed air conditioning on the NHS to help them cope with hot weather, health secretary Patricia Hewitt is expected to announce today. Those with a lung condition that worsens in warm weather could be given a £500 portable cooling unit for their homes.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Geraint Lewis on predicting admissions and the wisdom of staff


    Geraint Lewis on predictive risk algorithms

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    Hewitt defends nurses' pay offer


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has said the 2007-08 pay deal for NHS staff and GPs is 'sensible' and 'fair'. Nurses and other healthcare professionals will receive a 1.5 per cent rise in April and 1 per cent more in November; hospital doctors a flat £1,000; junior doctors 3 per cent; ...

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    Day of protest tomorrow


    Over 40 protests against health service cuts, closures and marketisation will take place tomorrow as part of the national day of action being co-ordinated by NHS Together, the campaign alliance of NHS staff unions and associations.Read more here