All Primary care articles – Page 278

  • News

    Committee hears public involvement concerns


    The chief executive of the NHS Centre for Involvement has told the Commons health select committee that current arrangement for public involvement in NHS decision-making are not working well.Dr Jonathan Tritter told yesterday's hearing of the committee that he hoped the proposed local involvement networks would be more successful.

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    'Unacceptable risk' to acutes exposed by PCTs' contract


    The final model contract released last week has provoked fierce resistance from hospital providers, which have little time for the argument that it rebalances the power levels between primary care trusts and acutes. For more, read New model contract threatens survival, foundations warn.

  • News

    PCT could slash 90 per cent of staff


    A troubleshooter chief executive plans to strip an ailing primary care trust down to its core functions and reduce the number of staff from 300 to 30.

  • News

    Hewitt to take part in live web chat


    Next week you will be able to quiz the health secretary about the future of the NHS in a live webchat on the Number 10 website.It will take place on Thursday 8 February from 10.45am and last for an hour. The webchat is the first in a series addressing the ...

  • News

    New chair of NHS Litigation Authority


    Professor Dame Joan Higgins has been appointed as the new chair of the NHS Litigation Authority.Dame Joan is Emeritus Professor of Health Policy at the University of Manchester and outgoing chair of the Christie Hospital Trust. She is also chair of the patient information advisory group at the Department of ...

  • News

    Voluntary organisations to share £23.9m pot


    Around 700 voluntary and community sector organisations will share a £23.9m pot of government grants, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis.The Department of Health's section 64 scheme will give an average of £44,000 to fund 132 new grants and 256 continuing grants. The Opportunities for Volunteering scheme will have ...

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    Ethnicity and health


    This document reviews the evidence on ethnic health inequalities, the causes and policy options. It is a useful document for parliamentarians working on the policy options for tackling ethnic inequalities in health.

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    Calls for mental health emphasis in primary care


    Policy makers should ensure opportunities to improve mental health in primary care are always considered, according to a report by the Mental Health Foundation and the Pharmaceutical Schizophrenia Initiative.The report Primary Concerns: A better deal for mental health in primary caresays practice-based commissioning needs ...

  • News

    Defend general practice, say BMA


    The BMA has written to over 42,000 GPs urging them to stand together to defend general practice.In the letter BMA GP committee chair Dr Hamish Meldrum said the profession was under threat from local deficits, encroachment from the private sector and political criticism of doctors.

  • News

    Unions: NHS chaplaincy services being slashed


    Amicus and the College of Health Care Chaplains have claimed the NHS chaplaincy service is under attack after compiling a list of areas where services have been cut.The organisations claim chaplains are seen as soft targets for cost cutting.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Ruth Hussey on prevention


    By now, New Year's resolutions will have been made and broken. Many people will have pledged to adopt healthier lifestyles, and many column inches will have been devoted to such ambitions. Often the messages are complex, with competing advice on what is important and how to achieve one's goals.

  • News

    Five-point plan for older people's services unveiled


    NHS national director for older people's services Professor Ian Philp has recommended a five-point plan to improve older people's services.His report Recipe for Carehighlights: early intervention; long-term conditions management; early supported discharge; acute hospital care when needed; and partnership working.Professor Philp acknowledged that this ...

  • News

    New patient experience scores published


    The Department of Health has published updated patient experience scores for the public service agreement to take account of its 2005-06 primary care trust survey and the latest patient survey results for community mental health services.The overall score for primary care fell from 77.4 to 77.0, with a higher score ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Dave Roberts on QOF and chronic diseases


    'As well as supporting QOF payments, the QMAS provides the NHS with a database of public health information on the prevalence of chronic and long-term illnesses.'

  • Comment

    Neil Goodwin on the training challenge for NHS managers


    'Foundation trusts will need to lead the way in learning to establish effective working relationships with their investors, namely primary care trusts and practice-based commissioners, and being proactive in discussing future strategy.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New improved information catalogue


    An improved information catalogue, with enhanced search facilities, has been launched

  • News

    Spotlight on lung cancer care


    A report gives detailed information on 25,000 people in England and Wales with lung cancer

  • News

    Roger Noon on six immediate steps to better change management


    I don't envy the leaders of PCTs. Following the recent rationalisation programme, they are under more pressure than ever to deliver improvements in healthcare within tight budgets and aggressive timescales. This against a backdrop of continuous political, policy, regulatory and clinical change.

  • News

    Winterton announces end-of-life strategy board


    Health minister Rosie Winterton has announced a 27-strong advisory board to support the development of the end-of-life care strategy.The board is chaired by national cancer director professor Mike Richards and includes chief executives of leading charities, senior clinicians and NHS and social care managers.Working groups will include: measuring the quality ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What the statistics reveal about tackling obesity


    As slimming advice overwhelms the media in the new year, the Information Centre for health and social care has added to the throng with a compendium of information on obesity, physical activity and diet.